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Concept Template

@kenpokis: No, don't do that unless they say requests are okay. Thanks.


The outlines are much better but the man one still looks pear-shaped o_o

The shading on that latest one is really severe. Instead of that super dark outline go for something less contrasted (or is that just the original black outline? Hm, I think it is. Well anyway it needs to be altered).

Additionally the face is awful (looks like a male alien) and the knee-joints are on the inner thighs.

Scootch the eyes inward toward the nose, lose some of the details on the cheeks and brow, soften the neck features, make the nose either go away or have less definition (and it should bell inward in the center, not come to a point), and move those knee-joints to the centers of the legs instead of facing each other.

The more definition on a face, the more masculine or old the character becomes. Young females (pre-40's) are seldom drawn with much definition on their face, because it looks like wrinkles or chisled features. Dudes are usually drawn with slightly harder definitions when they're "manlier". More dark lines are used when portraying old age. So lighten up on the chick :')

Lastly there is no defined light source, don't just copy and paste one vertical half onto the other. The shading has to move with it: particularly on the thighs, calves, and breasts.

Oh, I forgot to mention: knees start lower than that--thighs are longer than the calves.
Demon gave me some tips on the face right before you posted. And yeah I think everything you said is what makes it look weird to me.

Except for the light. I tried to do it simple so I went with a light source like the light was coming from directly in front of the template. That's why it may look pillow shaded.

But yeah, thanks and I'll try to fix the template like you suggest tomorrow. Right now, I have to go to bed.
It's kool. I like it. The skin recolor looks nice It looks cleaner than my pallete or Despains >_>. Nice ... Underwear. NightWear... whatever lol.
The eyes are too far away from the nose...
I think it looks kinda wierd...
But still much better than the first!
And still much better than what I could do...
<snicker> ok u need to totaly change the way u color and draw the faces (for my taste). they look a little creepy to me X3

i think maybe a little too much definition. Less is more.


WOmen and Men's torsos are different lengths. In general, a man and a woman of the same height would have different leg-torso proportions. Men are longer in the torso and women are longer in the legs. U might want to reflect that. for this, probably only a pixel or 3 difference.
Yeah new pallet is soo much better but I agree with Mascarpone you need much much less detail on the faces... the noses especially. Also the back of the knee should be shaded darker or it looks like a cap. and your knee caps still seem a bit off to me especially on the girl. I think you could also use less darker shading on the chest/torso areas on them. Like besides teh outside outline I wouldn't use that darkest color. Try that out.



Hmm when u will i can take it over^^
But i have not so much time to work on it
maybe next week i can change the face and the knees ok?

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