Okay, so we all now just how important events are, right? Well so are Common Events! For people who don't know what they are, I am here to explain that, and to show people that never or rarely use them how to do get the most out of them.
What is a Common Event?
If you don't know what Common Event is, you're probally just starting out RPG Maker XP. The Common Event section is found in your Database. It has its own little tab. Common Events are events that are saved to your Database and can be called at anytime with regular events. These can be used to tons of things, like changing screen colors, doors, and chests!
How do I make a Common Event?
First off your going to need to open up the database! Open the tab that looks like this:
First let's click 'Change maximum...', and set the amount to about 15, so we don't have to worry about it later.
When making Common Events, we use the same system as regular events. Let's make our first Common Event, this one will control every aspect of opening a door with a sound effect.
Let's click in the name field and type "Door Open" without the qoutes. Keep the trigger as none.
In the event command box, double click, then select the '2' tab. Find 'Set Move Route', it should be in the first section of the left side:
Now with the box that comes up find the drop-down box at the upper-left hand corner. Click it, and go one down to 'This event'.
Now it's time to animate it with 'Move routes'. Use this list for the correct animation sequence:
Turn Left
Wait:4 Frame(s)
Turn Right
Wait:4 Frames(s)
Turn Up
Wait:4 Frame(s)
Click 'OK'. Now with that event command selected, double click. Find 'Play SE' in the second section of the right side:
When in the SE menu find '024-Door01'. Select it, then click 'OK'.
Now just make a new command after the move route, find 'Wait for Move Completion'!
Now click 'OK' on the bottom-right of the Database box.
Now when it comes time to animate a door, etc., all you have do is call the Common Event associated with it.
When making your door event, find the door you want, select its top most frame, then click 'OK'. Now in the event commands box, go to tab '1', and find 'Call Common Event', selected the associated CE, and click 'OK'. Then just add wherever you are transfering your player to, under the Common Event call.
This can be used for making doors, chests, stores, and other sorts of things. it helps a lot, becasue you don't have to event a lot for every little door or chest.
Hope you enjoyed this little tutorial, it was intended for newcomers to RPG Maker XP, not for advanced users(unless you didn't know). Keep in mind Common Events can be used for endless things, it all depends on what you want them to do!
Written by Everythingisbleeding
What is a Common Event?
If you don't know what Common Event is, you're probally just starting out RPG Maker XP. The Common Event section is found in your Database. It has its own little tab. Common Events are events that are saved to your Database and can be called at anytime with regular events. These can be used to tons of things, like changing screen colors, doors, and chests!
How do I make a Common Event?
First off your going to need to open up the database! Open the tab that looks like this:
First let's click 'Change maximum...', and set the amount to about 15, so we don't have to worry about it later.
When making Common Events, we use the same system as regular events. Let's make our first Common Event, this one will control every aspect of opening a door with a sound effect.
Let's click in the name field and type "Door Open" without the qoutes. Keep the trigger as none.
In the event command box, double click, then select the '2' tab. Find 'Set Move Route', it should be in the first section of the left side:
Now with the box that comes up find the drop-down box at the upper-left hand corner. Click it, and go one down to 'This event'.
Now it's time to animate it with 'Move routes'. Use this list for the correct animation sequence:
Turn Left
Wait:4 Frame(s)
Turn Right
Wait:4 Frames(s)
Turn Up
Wait:4 Frame(s)
Click 'OK'. Now with that event command selected, double click. Find 'Play SE' in the second section of the right side:
When in the SE menu find '024-Door01'. Select it, then click 'OK'.
Now just make a new command after the move route, find 'Wait for Move Completion'!
Now click 'OK' on the bottom-right of the Database box.
Now when it comes time to animate a door, etc., all you have do is call the Common Event associated with it.
When making your door event, find the door you want, select its top most frame, then click 'OK'. Now in the event commands box, go to tab '1', and find 'Call Common Event', selected the associated CE, and click 'OK'. Then just add wherever you are transfering your player to, under the Common Event call.
This can be used for making doors, chests, stores, and other sorts of things. it helps a lot, becasue you don't have to event a lot for every little door or chest.
Hope you enjoyed this little tutorial, it was intended for newcomers to RPG Maker XP, not for advanced users(unless you didn't know). Keep in mind Common Events can be used for endless things, it all depends on what you want them to do!
Written by Everythingisbleeding