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"Coming Out"

Wyatt;304854 said:
Racism and xenophobia never went away, they just left media coverage as people lost interest. People are still as racist as ever, from what I've seen.

Like my nan, someone was taking their time counting money in a queue in front of her. She said how he was "black as the ace of spades" and couldn't speak English. He was from Poland.

In the same way I guess people are still gonna be homophobic. Like, just because same sex marriage is now legal doesn't mean people will still accept that.

Racism is nowhere near as bad as it used to be. Well, I can't speak from experience for the UK, but in the US, I'm pretty sure we're a big step away from even the 1960's. Now we're getting in to weird territory, with anti-racism, falsely perceived racism, anti-sexism being about superiority rather than equality, etc. Racism definitely still exists, but it is not an acceptable behavior, and is for the most part looked down upon in our society.
Racism has simply gone undercover. It's not acceptable to show it in public, but in private, when people think they won't be judged for it, people are as racist as ever. The same is true for sexism, the same is true for homophobia.
Roman Candle;305045 said:
Racism has simply gone undercover. It's not acceptable to show it in public, but in private, when people think they won't be judged for it, people are as racist as ever. The same is true for sexism, the same is true for homophobia.

Its also very true for the internet.
Roman Candle;305045 said:
Racism has simply gone undercover. It's not acceptable to show it in public, but in private, when people think they won't be judged for it, people are as racist as ever. The same is true for sexism, the same is true for homophobia.

I'm pretty sure actions can define the extent of your racism. People would hang people from trees for having different colored skin. That has largely stopped (yeah it still happens, but it's a travesty when it does, not just something the rare person will shake their head over).

I mean, I guess you could say people are just as racist, but that hardly makes sense, since back in the day, the majority was racist, but that slowly changed, racists today can have the same thoughts, but not act upon them due to fear of retribution, but the retribution itself is a product of the majority slowly coming around. If everyone in the US was still as racist (again, I'm talking from the perspective of my own country, no one else's) as they were in 1820, there would probably still be slaves. Well, that is if the US was the only country in existence, I'm sure at some point the point would've caught on from somewhere else that it's not okay to enslave people.

EDIT: and to make it semi-on topic, I'm sure coming around to homosexuality being okay might take a while, as slight revulsion and being unaccepting isn't so... heinous as slavery was. But hey it's the communications age, stuff can happen faster, and for all I know, will.
here's an activity. gather your family and friends together with a really serious attitude, and announce "i'm gay, etc etc". See how they react to it.
No.. I'm quite serious.. My parents are like the two most tolerant people I know... same with most of my family. Could be because our family is full of all kinds of weirdos though xD
People really fail to see that homosexuality is just as acceptable as heterosexuality, even when it's been proven that also inhuman species (i use that expression because humans are also animals) sometimes are homosexual. I think homosexuality has become more "unacceptable" since people started believing what jesus said about it. Before that, homosexuality was very usual.
People really fail to see that homosexuality is just as acceptable as heterosexuality

Unfortunately it's really not in a lot of places. "Acceptable" is determined by society, and even though there's nothing wrong with it and it should be acceptable, there are lots of places in the world where it just isn't.

I think homosexuality has become more "unacceptable" since people started believing what jesus said about it. Before that, homosexuality was very usual.

This is true, when you think of ancient cultures, but really it has been a pretty long time since Jesus, so that doesn't have much weight in the debate in the modern world.

Guys, I have something serious to tell you all. I know this may come as a blow to some, but I am officially coming out in this post...

I am straight. I know it's hard to believe...but it had to be said.
People really fail to see that homosexuality is just as acceptable as heterosexuality, even when it's been proven that also inhuman species (i use that expression because humans are also animals) sometimes are homosexual. I think homosexuality has become more "unacceptable" since people started believing what jesus said about it. Before that, homosexuality was very usual.

Jesus never said anything about homosexuality. You've failed at bible research if you thought he did. In fact, Christianity in general wasn't anti-homosexuality until the 16th century when it was being translated into english under King James' orders and the translators slipped some anti-homosexual text into their translations.

http://www.religioustolerance.org/hom_bibl.htm for more information on the subject.
I think he meant "Jesus" as a reference to christianity as a whole and not the individual character--at least that's how I interpreted it.
The first time I came out, it was pretty scary. It was to a girl I'd known for about a year but didn't really know her all that well. Why it was to her, I don't know. I was probably 'ready'. To tell you the truth, coming out (to me) was no big deal after that. Nothing changed in my life, and I didn't really feel like a new or better person. It wasn't as if after that I had boys flooding to my door asking me to go out with them. So then why come out then? It's a part of your life, it doesn't necessarily have to be a big part of your life, but if you're going to tell someone about yourself then why hide it?

And believe me, when I was coming out, I was never scared of going to hell. I'm Jewish anyway. Is there even a Jewish hell? Hell is being surrounded in the street by rabbis, trying to give you another Bar Mitzvah.

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