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Combo Attacks.

Does anyone know of/can make a script, comapatible with Minkoffs RTAB animated sideview system that does the following.
-One character uses a COMBO skill, which requires the aid of at lease one other specific character.
-all character's involved in combo cannot take anothe rturn that round(ATB guage reset to zero)
-have commentary in areas where the skill partners are specified, as i am terrible with scripts

I think that's all. Sorry if i sound a little frosty, just want to get the message across as succinctly as posible.
You mean Connected Attacking.

Arshes uses CrossCut... Hilda uses fire... combined, they can create a Whirlwind.


Look in the FORUM SCRIPT LISTINGS under the 'Custom Battle Add-Ons' or the 'Skill Related' for the topic, or download the demo under the RTAB topic itself.

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