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Class Stats vs. Hero Stats.

Remember Rm2k3? How the classes had the stats and so did the hero?
I'm looking for a system like that, where the heroes have skills and stats, but so do the classes - so this way, they both join together to make the desired outcome of the player.


If any further expanation is needed -

Say we have the class Thief.
It has 40 speed, 25 attack.

Then we have 2 characters, Alex and Dan.
+10 Speed
+20 Int


+10 Attack
+20 Speed

This way, if they were both thieves, Dan would be the better one.
But if there was a support role, Alex would be better with his INT.

So basically - the class holds the important stats, the heros just add a value to it, so that they seem stronger and weaker in different fields.

Can someone script this for me? :)
Any help is appreciated (and you'll be credited and such).
Take your time, the game which this would appear in is currently on hiatus, and will probably stay there for a while.

Finish the other ones first, don't rush for me ;) ^_^

EDIT: Actually, I will probably use it in the game I am currently making, so it's a little more urgent.. don't rush it though, I don't want to bog you down or stress you out or anything ^_^
It really depends on whether I will be allowed to sel lthe game with your script in it... (Obviously with proper acknowledgement, and without royalties.. [royalties would be nice... and I'd love to hand them out, but for a kid with no money? It's a bit difficult, sorry])

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