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Class specific immunities and Changing party members

Hey, me again... im so bad, lol XD ... anyway, is there anyway to make someone COMPLETELY immune to an element? id assume if there were a way it would be done through the class of the character rather then the character themselves... for example, my game features a Fire Elemental character. Is there a way to make her COMPLETELY immune to ALL fire damage? thanks :)

Also, how do you change party members in game? I know how to add party members with events... but it seems that the first 4 to get there are the ones you get... and i cant find a way to swap party members for others that you may have lying around... any help would be great. thanks :)
For the second one-- all you have to do is remove somebody and then put in the new party member, actually. Unless you're doing it in mid-fight or something, in which case, yeah, get that script.
change it to E? oh dear XD ive been doing it completely the wrong way round Xo dammit, lol... thanks :)

script o.O i feel a great dread in me, lol... not mid-battle... but just, whenever the player wants to out of battle... ie pull up a party changer in the menu... thanks for the link viperj :) ill take a look...
wtf!?! okay, so i opened a new project to test out the script... though honestly i have no idea where to put it XD but then after that failed, i opened up my original project and for some reason... it crashes! is that something to do with the script? or is it just coincidence? :(
yeah, i was thinking an event... but i would want to be able to activate whenever the player wanted to... i was thinking it could activate before every battle, but that would probably get a bit tedious o.O and it would have to add options according to which party members have been found and stuff... it could be done, i know... but it would take quite a bit of work Xo ill have a go nevertheless... thanks :)



Well you could make a Common Event that transfers the player to a Party Change map every time he presses a certain button.
That way it wont start before every battle but the player will be able to change his party almost anytime.
You could make it a common event called by a free skill, or you could use a parallel process common event, although this could get laggy.

When I wanted to create a system like this for a game, here's what I did:

1) Created a small map that was the "Changing Room." When the player entered it, the party was automatically stripped down to one character. Anybody who'd been recruited was in the Changing Room, and if you talked to them, if the party wasn't full, they'd join. Very Chrono Trigger.

2) Created a out-of-battle skill that transported the player to the Changing Room while recording their exact map position and map # to variables.

3) Had an event in the Changing Room that would transport the player back to the square that they'd just left.

It's a bit of work, but it's not that hard.
Mind if you use it? If you have too much trouble, I'll gladly post screenshots of the event code I used.

As for the recording the map position and map, it's simple. You just use Control Variables. Some of the options there include Player Map X and Y, and Player Map #. Just make sure that your event is only recording those variables once.
cheers :) ive got the 'changing room' all sorted... and ive added the skill that sends you there... but i cant find the Control Variable that you're talking about :( where/what is it exactly? there's character -> player -> Map X and Map Y, but no Map #
thanks :) i tried... and when i leave the 'changing room' it sends me away... but it sends me to another map (one which i wasnt on) and the character isnt there and i cant move... do you know how i can fix this? Here's some screenshots of the problem if it helps :)

Yeah, that's an easy fix. You need to use three different variables there, not the same one three times.

Also, don't add the value of the coordinates to the variables. Set the variables to be equal to the coordinates.

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