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Class script



Sup. I'm looking for a script that sorta simulates the Dungeons and Dragons class system. List of features I'm looking for:

1. I would like each character to be able to have levels in each type of class instead of overall levels, but the experience for next level to raise as if it was the character's normal level. For example:

Fred, a level 0 character, is currently a Fighter. He needs the amount of experience required to get to level 1, say 1000. Apon reaching level 1 in the Fighter class, he decides to switch to mage. He is now a level 1 Fighter and a level 0 Mage, but to reach level 1 in Mage he requires the amount of experience needed to reach level 2, say 3000 overall.

2. I would like stats to raise according to the class they are assigned when they level up. For example:

Fred starts with stats of 100/100/10/10/10/10 (HP/MP/Str/Dex/Agi/Int). Fighters gain 10/0/2/1/0/0 per level and Mages gain 5/10/0/0/0/2. Upon levelling up to 2 as a Fighter, his stats are 110/100/12/11/10/10. He decides to switch to Mage, and when he levels up his stats are 115/110/12/11/10/12.

3. I would like usable skills to be limited to a given list for the character's current class. For example:

Fighters may use the skill IDs [1,2,3] and Mages may use [1,4,5]. When Fred is a Fighter, he may use the skills [1,2,3]. After he switches to Mage, he may use the skills [1,4,5], but he can't use [2,3] unless he switches back to a Fighter (which would make him unable to use [4,5]).

4. I would like to be able to call a class selection menu from an event, not the menu. A desirable menu would include the classes' stats per level and available skills, as well as a scrollable description box for each class that could include background text and miscellaneous information on the class.

I realize this may be asking a lot, but if someone's feeling generous, please help a guy out. I am not the quickest scripter in the world and it'd take me aaaaaages to figure out how to do this all.

Thank you for any help.
Okay, there are similar or systems like the one you are suggesting. For bonuses based on classes, go to Seph's test bed here:


Go to his Actor Bonuses script. The only bonus I can't get to work is the element bonus, but other than that, every other bonus should work.

As for the class system, I'm using Prexus's class profession system with levels, but there are also professions too, which might not be exactly what you're looking for. Here's the link though.


I know what it feels like to see someone give you information you've already seen, so if you've already seen these, I apologize. If you want a class system more like what you are saying, all it takes is patience. SephirothSpawn is working on(I think) the new version of his Class System similar to FF Tactics, which will be released sometime.

I hope this helps.

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