This tutorial will teach you how to make a cheat menu using events
Lesson Objective:
By the end lof the lesson you will be able to use events to call up a cheat menu and to add your own cheats.
Firstly go to the database and go to the actors page add a new actor with no name.Also make sure you dont let it be playable e.g. don't put in your party.This will be used later on.
Go to the database and make a new common event called 'cheat menu'
make it parrallel process and make a condition switch called 'cheat menu'
It should look like this: ... tled-3.jpg[/IMG]
Then we add a condional branch. Go to the 4th page of the conditional branch then select the Button checkbox the go down the dropdown menu and choose the button u wish to be use to open up the cheat menu.In this case we are going to use the Down,Left,Right.Choose Down.Then make another conditional branch in that conditional branch.Then go to the 4th page then select the Button checkbox and choose left.Do the same thing again but choose right instead.
Then It Should look like this: ... tled-5.jpg[/IMG]
Add a new event in that conditional branch go to the 3rd page and choose Name Input Processing.Remember we added an actor with no name, we choose that in Name Input Processing and set te max characters to 16. This is the part where you add the cheats. First add a conditional branch, then to the 2nd page click actor.Choose te actor with no name.Then click Name and type in that text box the cheat.In this case we type in iamrich, then click OK.In that conditional branch add a new event which will be the this case in the 1st page change gold.Increase by 250 Constant.Then we add the noise when you get the cheat right.I use SE Right-02.
It should look like this now: ... tled-6.jpg[/IMG]
iF you want add more cheats do the same thing use a conditional branch in the else handling.To make the cheat name reset so the player has to type(not literally) the cheat.we go to the last else handling at the bottom of the common event page.add a new event in page 3 click on change actor name.choose the actor with no name and leave the name text box blank.
To make a noise when you get the cheat wrong, make a new event after the last cheat you have made in the else handler and play SE Wrong-01.and that is it
Now it should look like this: ... tled-7.jpg[/IMG]
Now we have finished all you have to do is make a new event in the map which is set to parallel process.insert an event (no graphics) and control switches
'cheat menu' operation on.and that is it if u have any questions just post it in this thread.
Lesson Objective:
By the end lof the lesson you will be able to use events to call up a cheat menu and to add your own cheats.
Firstly go to the database and go to the actors page add a new actor with no name.Also make sure you dont let it be playable e.g. don't put in your party.This will be used later on.
Go to the database and make a new common event called 'cheat menu'
make it parrallel process and make a condition switch called 'cheat menu'
It should look like this: ... tled-3.jpg[/IMG]
Then we add a condional branch. Go to the 4th page of the conditional branch then select the Button checkbox the go down the dropdown menu and choose the button u wish to be use to open up the cheat menu.In this case we are going to use the Down,Left,Right.Choose Down.Then make another conditional branch in that conditional branch.Then go to the 4th page then select the Button checkbox and choose left.Do the same thing again but choose right instead.
Then It Should look like this: ... tled-5.jpg[/IMG]
Add a new event in that conditional branch go to the 3rd page and choose Name Input Processing.Remember we added an actor with no name, we choose that in Name Input Processing and set te max characters to 16. This is the part where you add the cheats. First add a conditional branch, then to the 2nd page click actor.Choose te actor with no name.Then click Name and type in that text box the cheat.In this case we type in iamrich, then click OK.In that conditional branch add a new event which will be the this case in the 1st page change gold.Increase by 250 Constant.Then we add the noise when you get the cheat right.I use SE Right-02.
It should look like this now: ... tled-6.jpg[/IMG]
iF you want add more cheats do the same thing use a conditional branch in the else handling.To make the cheat name reset so the player has to type(not literally) the cheat.we go to the last else handling at the bottom of the common event page.add a new event in page 3 click on change actor name.choose the actor with no name and leave the name text box blank.
To make a noise when you get the cheat wrong, make a new event after the last cheat you have made in the else handler and play SE Wrong-01.and that is it
Now it should look like this: ... tled-7.jpg[/IMG]
Now we have finished all you have to do is make a new event in the map which is set to parallel process.insert an event (no graphics) and control switches
'cheat menu' operation on.and that is it if u have any questions just post it in this thread.