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Charactors with more, "Flavor"



I am looking for a script to give my characters more "flavor"

The script would give a list of characters a certain ability, such as a "50% chance to counter attack" and I would love it if they were always passive to that actor.
The list would be for available skills to assign to actors..

50% chance to Counter Attack
25% chance to Multi-attack
Berserkish Rage (For each 1% hp the actor is lowered, str, dex and agi increase by 1%. When they increase in HP, the % of stats decreases.)

NOT passive, but they replace "skill"
Counter next spell targeting that actor until the next turn (similar to a 1 turn reflect)
Spell Drain (Next spell *If a spell is cast within the next turn* that usually targets a random target instead targets the actor who is using Spell Drain. That spell deals 50% damage to the actor and the actor regains 25% of his or her total mana)

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