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Character Template WIP


People need to stop making templates. Especially when they're NOT GOOD ENOUGH TO.

He looks lumpy. Very lumpy. You also don't have a really great color palette, not enough contrast in the colors. You can tell because there are colors that you can see on the zoomed version but not on 1x.



Solid Bro, you're like the Simon Cowell of this forum aren't you?

Waiise, I'm not a very good pixel artist myself but I do agree with Solid on this one, he is a bit lumpy. Keep up the good work and you'll get better in time. :)
What do you exactly mean when you say he is too lumpy? Too wide shoulders? Too big arms? Too wide in general? Because if that is what you mean, then you can't really correct me as it is the style I'm going with, however if it is not what you mean then please explain a little more indepth. I'll work on the colours and Solid Bro, don't write comments like that, it annoys the crap out of me.

And also, the game I am making this for is going to be 100% original and therefore requires a completely new template, so stop whinging.
What do you exactly mean when you say he is too lumpy? Too wide shoulders? Too big arms? Too wide in general? Because if that is what you mean, then you can't really correct me as it is the style I'm going with

Lumpy isn't the same as being too wide. He's just LUMPY, there's not really another way to say it. Sit back and just LOOK AT IT.

And... don't give the style excuse for poor spriting. I've heard it a thousand times.

And also, the game I am making this for is going to be 100% original and therefore requires a completely new template, so stop whinging.

You're not ready to make enough graphics for an all original game (at least if you continue with the style that you're going in). Trust me, I tried it a while ago and I couldn't do it (and even then I was much better than this).

Also, I wouldn't say that I'm "whinging".

I'll work on the colours and Solid Bro, don't write comments like that, it annoys the crap out of me.

Don't post shit asking for feedback and bitch when it's not said with a smile. It annoys the crap out of me.
Hey, hey, hey, take it easy, when I said it annoyed me I only meant that I didn't like the very negative way you said it in, you could've done it not so, well... negative. Anyway, I don't want to end up on someone's "hate-list", which I happened to do on another forum (by mistake mind you, by mistake :p)

Anyway... I will take your advice and not stop spriting, but change the style, more contrast and everything else that you mentioned.

So when that's said, I hope our little 'argument' is over.

Well, next time I put something up there I will remember to put some jocks on him.

The new one is basically the RTP body resized and redone a little to fit the head I created, the colour palette too is from the RTP.
Please tell me if there is something I should change, colours or pixels.
Yeah, this one is way too obviously an RTP edit. I saw it and was totally ready to yell at you before reading your post.

Basically this new one is a waste of time. It's the RTP, but worse.
No offense, but unless your doing this to learn... PLEASE... PLEASE stop. There are many other templates exactly like the one you are trying to make. The original RTP would probably save you from your hours of reworking the original RTP.

If you want a custom template or just learning, then go ahead. You've obviously got the right tools, but there are just too many templates like this one...


If you want feedback: The head is too puffy for that kind of guy. Make his head a little less fat. His arms are way too long unless you going for some kind of weird perspective. If your keepin' tha head, just make the body fit it... There are probably more, because I'm not as good as some of these geniuses. But yeah. Try to fix some of those problems.
Solid Bro, thanks for not being too negative this time.


Susuke89, yes it is a part of my learning process, I mean, the best spriters in the world didn't start of as the best right? So it takes time. Thanks for your tips and all that, I will not continue on this template which I assume would be a relief to everyone.

Making templates is an excellent learning experience; it's one of the hardest things to do effectively. Everyone quit harshing on him for trying to expand his pixelling skills by doing a chara template. I'm serious.

This forum is for resource analysis. We're not asking you to state how useless it is for someone to try something new to them. It's not like anyone's breaking your arm to use the resource(s).

Waiise, I don't see this ever becoming popular, but working on a template is always hard work and I commend you for trying. For what it's worth I think the palette and shading are much better in this version 2, but those are pretty obviously RTP arms. I also don't like how angry he looks. But keep trying. :')
Ok, i'm kinda sick of these losers on here rippin' people when they don't really have any kinda credentials for themselves.

Solid/Sasuke, i ask you whats the name of this forum ? Resource Analysis right?

And i also let me ask, lemme see some of your sprites and ill retract my opening statement.

I mean if im wrong please correct me, but the whole point is for people to say like yeh its good but this and that. don't tell people to quite outright. and dont be negative.

i had a run in with this (people critiquing negatively not in a helping way )and handled it the worst way you can (firing back at them) but Waiise your definetly a better contributer to the forums because you don't have an immature piont of view on peoples opinion , i give mad kudos.

And PS, i'm not a spriter but personally i liked it, it wasn't to chiseled or anything like the way some other people do it. Like yeah i guess the head is a little big but if thats your style and stuff then run with it.
Kid, shut up. Yes, the forum is called "Resource Analysis". It's not Happy Bunnies World. If something sucks, I'm going to call it. I'm not sugarcoating shit. People don't improve that way.

You bitch because my feedback is "negative". Well of course it's negative- it's criticism. What did you expect? Blind praise? Sorry, this isn't DeviantArt.

And i also let me ask, lemme see some of your sprites and ill retract my opening statement.

I find it so cute when people ask me this as though I don't know what I'm talking about.


So don't talk out of your ass, bud. I've contributed more to this forum than you can imagine.
Ouch. Burned.

Maybe you should raise the eyes a pixel, or two. To me, it looks better when the yes are higher up. Could be personal preference, though. That's the only thing I have to add that hasn't been said already.

Why doe he look so angry? Does he need a hug? :'(
I said I was not going to continue on that sprite, and well, I didn't. Nonetheless, I made another one and I have started making the sideview as well. I think I have learned, anyways... here goes nothing:

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v695/ ... plate2.png[/IMG]

I have a vague idea that the colour palette needs changing, but currently I'm sticking with this. I tried to be more original on this one, I also made a sample quite early in the process of making it, so you might notice some slight differences.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v695/ ... proach.png[/IMG]

And yes, I am aware that I am quite bad at doing hair.
In the template his hips look weird, but it gets ok when he becomes an "Archer?"
Hair looks ok zoomed, but yeah, terrible in normal view. Work on that, and maybe open his eyes a little, wake him up.

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