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Character template issue

I'm having a small problem. I am trying to do a template for a character/battler for a tactical battle system. I'm not totally sure if its the script or the template, because I'm not good with either. I basically exported a standard character template, then exported tileset B (I'm using vx by the way). I cut and pasted the cross-shaped grave and placed it over each of the old character's sprite and deleted the remnants of the sprites. It looks pretty good, but I notice when I go into an actors data, the white outline that shows which type of character you want to show is too small. It only takes up like this amount of space:  [ ]  instead of the entire template like it normally would. In addition, the character/battler is not showing up when I enter battle. I was thinking it might be a script thing until I realized that the white outline box wasn't going around the whole template like it normally would.

How can I make it so that the template works? Here is an upload of the template I have:


just FYI, this is supposed to appear when characters or enemies die to serve as their 'downed' image.
First off, it definitely doesn't look lined up right.

Second, make sure you are setting transparencies correctly.
Yeah they definitely aren't lined up right, but it only uses the 'down' facing so it doesn't really need to be because it doesn't move. I also set the transparency to only the 'white' portion, so I don't know if that is it..


Above is an example of what the template is doing.

Maybe what I should be asking if there is a certain way to do template's for sprites? and if so, is there somewhere I can download a blank character template from? I thought a while back there were blank templates for XP that had dotted lines or something around the individual blocks of each different character pose or something.
hmm, well, oddly enough that did work to let me surround the entire image, unfortunately it still isn't working so it must be a script issue then...
sorry to double post, but could someone make me a template that's well, better.. than the one I made? I'm hoping to use it as if it were a character, so if you could do it on that kind of template, and it just needs the grave tile in the above post.



Silencher":3au9ycgt said:
hmm, well, oddly enough that did work to let me surround the entire image, unfortunately it still isn't working so it must be a script issue then...

There is nothing odd to it.
As you probrably noticed, sets of eight chars are the default type of chars for the VX. To use a single char set you need to add a $ to the beginning of the file name so that the program knows that the image is a single char set.

I doubt making a char template you help you out on this.
You should really just ask for a char of the grave... it's much easyer to do...

Here, I made a couple for you... see if it fits your needs:

http://img297.imageshack.us/img297/6436/grave01yo9.png[/img] http://img522.imageshack.us/img522/6307/grave02rt0.png[/img]
Another solution might be to increase the size of the canvas. Multiply height by 2 and width by 4. If you do this, do not put $ in front of the filename. Maybe that'll work for you?

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