Hello, im Monogra. This is my first tutorial, so let me know how i do 
This is a really easy thing to set up. After your finished, you will be able to select from six different classes, each having a different look. You can do more if you want, but for this tutorial we wont. You will also be able to customize your characters name.
First, create a new map called Class and Name. It should be blank and look something like this.
http://i220.photobucket.com/albums/dd28 ... titled.jpg[/img]
Now go into the Database and click the Hero tab. We want to delete the Mage and Cleric from it, and change the names of all the other heroes. Change them to something you will be able to recognize the class of the character by. I did it this way
Hero F = Fighter
Hero L = Lancer
Hero W = Warrior
Hero T = Thief
Hero G = Gunner
Hero H = Hunter
Modify the sprite and battle graphic to your preference. It should look something like this.
Now click on the System tab. You want to make sure you dont have anybody in your starting party. In the top left box in the System tab, is the starting party box. Right click all of the members and click delete.
Now create a new event. It will be an auto start event. Create it in any square, but try to remember where it is.
Next, Make a message. Have it say welcome and whatever you want as an intro. Ask them what they want their class to be.
After that, we want to create a Label. This will set a marker in the script, so we can jump back. This is used for when the user is choosing a class, and they want to re-choose. Name the label Class Back
Now do a show choices thing. lol. Have the choices be
1. Warrior
2. Thief
3. Hunter
4. More Choices
Now after that is created, under the warrior section, we want to add the warrior to the party, and we want to put a message. Have it tell a little bit about the warrior. To add the warrior to the party, click Change Party. Add in the character that is the warrior. Then ask them if they would like to be a Warrior. Create another "Show Choices" and let the choices be Yes and No. If they choose yes, have it say "Okay! What is your name warrior?" After the message, put in a Enter Hero Name thing. This is where you need to know which characters are which class. Hero W is my warrior, so he is selected to be named.
Now do a Jump To Label. This will make it so you will jump to an area in the event that you labeld. Jump to Class.
Thats it for if they press yes. Now for if they press no. We want it to go back to the class selection. Thats why we created the class back label. So do a Change Party, and remove the warrior, then do a jump to label class back. This will make is so when they click no, they will be able to re-choose their class.
After The whole Warrior section is done, it should look something like this.
You Should do exactly the same for every class. So after every class is done, it will look like this.
Sorry that one is pretty hard to read.
NEXT. lol
create another label at the very bottom. name it class.
Now create a message that asks if they have chosen the right class. Make a choice, that has yes or no.
If they choose yes, teleport them to the starting area, or whatever comes next in your story.
If you dont, they can get unlimited party members. So under the No handler, remove every class. it should look like this
http://i220.photobucket.com/albums/dd28 ... ra1/10.jpg[/img]
Alright! Now we are done! I hope you understood my rambling.
Here is what it will look like in game.
http://i220.photobucket.com/albums/dd28 ... ra1/12.jpg[/img]
http://i220.photobucket.com/albums/dd28 ... ra1/13.jpg[/img]
http://i220.photobucket.com/albums/dd28 ... ra1/14.jpg[/img]
http://i220.photobucket.com/albums/dd28 ... ra1/15.jpg[/img]
Any questions?
This is a really easy thing to set up. After your finished, you will be able to select from six different classes, each having a different look. You can do more if you want, but for this tutorial we wont. You will also be able to customize your characters name.
First, create a new map called Class and Name. It should be blank and look something like this.
http://i220.photobucket.com/albums/dd28 ... titled.jpg[/img]
Now go into the Database and click the Hero tab. We want to delete the Mage and Cleric from it, and change the names of all the other heroes. Change them to something you will be able to recognize the class of the character by. I did it this way
Hero F = Fighter
Hero L = Lancer
Hero W = Warrior
Hero T = Thief
Hero G = Gunner
Hero H = Hunter
Modify the sprite and battle graphic to your preference. It should look something like this.
Now click on the System tab. You want to make sure you dont have anybody in your starting party. In the top left box in the System tab, is the starting party box. Right click all of the members and click delete.
Now create a new event. It will be an auto start event. Create it in any square, but try to remember where it is.
Next, Make a message. Have it say welcome and whatever you want as an intro. Ask them what they want their class to be.
After that, we want to create a Label. This will set a marker in the script, so we can jump back. This is used for when the user is choosing a class, and they want to re-choose. Name the label Class Back
Now do a show choices thing. lol. Have the choices be
1. Warrior
2. Thief
3. Hunter
4. More Choices
Now after that is created, under the warrior section, we want to add the warrior to the party, and we want to put a message. Have it tell a little bit about the warrior. To add the warrior to the party, click Change Party. Add in the character that is the warrior. Then ask them if they would like to be a Warrior. Create another "Show Choices" and let the choices be Yes and No. If they choose yes, have it say "Okay! What is your name warrior?" After the message, put in a Enter Hero Name thing. This is where you need to know which characters are which class. Hero W is my warrior, so he is selected to be named.
Now do a Jump To Label. This will make it so you will jump to an area in the event that you labeld. Jump to Class.
Thats it for if they press yes. Now for if they press no. We want it to go back to the class selection. Thats why we created the class back label. So do a Change Party, and remove the warrior, then do a jump to label class back. This will make is so when they click no, they will be able to re-choose their class.
After The whole Warrior section is done, it should look something like this.
You Should do exactly the same for every class. So after every class is done, it will look like this.
Sorry that one is pretty hard to read.
NEXT. lol
create another label at the very bottom. name it class.
Now create a message that asks if they have chosen the right class. Make a choice, that has yes or no.
If they choose yes, teleport them to the starting area, or whatever comes next in your story.
If you dont, they can get unlimited party members. So under the No handler, remove every class. it should look like this
http://i220.photobucket.com/albums/dd28 ... ra1/10.jpg[/img]
Alright! Now we are done! I hope you understood my rambling.
Here is what it will look like in game.
http://i220.photobucket.com/albums/dd28 ... ra1/12.jpg[/img]
http://i220.photobucket.com/albums/dd28 ... ra1/13.jpg[/img]
http://i220.photobucket.com/albums/dd28 ... ra1/14.jpg[/img]
http://i220.photobucket.com/albums/dd28 ... ra1/15.jpg[/img]
Any questions?