Just a character from a game project I was working on and may yet again:
Arun Bromshackle from Fallen Knight
http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff20 ... rofile.jpg[/IMG]
Shadow_Strike;324414 said:Styles usually have a pleasing look that matches the composition as a whole.
Theres a difference between drawing wrong proportions/correctness and drawing with a style.
Ie. Drawing random shapes and blobs on arms and calling them muscles IS NOT STYLE. Its called stupidity. Unless you admit you dunno how to draw muscles. Then its just called learning.
Anyway, back to OP. Love the style and colors, the saturation works. But yeah, head too big, don't you use the skeleton/presketch thingy?
Cerulean Skye;324466 said:Yes, but, my art always comes out funny. I think it's due to a lack of depth perception. I can only see out of one eye at any given time. It's called monocular vision. I can't see depth very well. And I think it affects the way in which I view proportion. But it's only a theory. But I'm starting to find my way around it, albeit slowly.