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Character Order

It's very simple. I would like to change the position of characters in the hero group. Ex: Hero 1 pass to position of Hero 3 and hero 3 go to position of hero 1. To simplify, it's not necessary a new CMS or a new window in menu, just a button to change the order would be perfect. If someone could do this or tell how i make it, i would be very glad. Thanks.
class Game_Party
  def switch_members(position_a, position_b)
    return if @actors[position_a].nil? || @actors[position_b].nil?
    @actors[position_a], @actors[position_b] = @actors[position_b], @actors[position_a]

I wrote that real quick, so if it doesn't work, let me know.

To use:
Call Script: $game_party.switch_members(position_a, position_b)

Replace position_a with a number that the position of the actors is in. Same goes for postion b.

For example, switching the 2nd and 4th, you would use:
Call Script: $game_party.switch_members(1, 3)

1st and 4th
Call Script: $game_party.switch_members(0, 3)

Note that the postion in the party is always subtracted by 1.
First = 0, Second = 1, Third = 2, Fourth = 3

Let me know if it doesn't work or you don't understand. I imagine you can just use a event with the Key Press Command (or whatever it is called. I don't use events. :P)

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