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Chaosmakr44's Workshop.


Ok.. so right now i can't make any games for RMXP but i can still make Resources..
I am Currently taking requests  but requests must be made at:
Simply because this is the site that i am on almost everyday. RMXP is a site i just glance every so often.
All critique welcome..

Credit if used please.

Post if you are going to use any as it will help me to determine which resources i will mark as "HOT"

Note: Not all of my resources will be available to the general public as i may decide to keep them for my own personal use. (this is besides from requests) I may decide to release said resources after the release of the project or if i beleive that the use of the resource is adequite.

* = Incomplete
$ = Complete
% = Request
& = For my personal use
!@! = HOT

*Dark Mage*
http://usera.imagecave.com/emo_rhys/RMX ... sample.PNG[/img]      (obvious what needs completing.)
http://usera.imagecave.com/emo_rhys/RMX ... geface.PNG[/img]

$Drow City Town Center Statue$

Note: This statue is obviously created for my own personal use. I have not tested this sprite and i am unsure how it looks in game.

*Dwarf Knight*

Ladies and gentlmen i am proud to announce the first of many to come, The Dwarf Knight. Fresh of the line. As soon as i complete the dwarf knight i will begin working on some other dwarven charsets

http://usera.imagecave.com/emo_rhys/RMX ... Knight.PNG[/img](obvious what needs completing)


Blue Fish - http://usera.imagecave.com/emo_rhys/RMXP/BlueFish.PNG[/img]
Feather - http://usera.imagecave.com/emo_rhys/RMXP/Feather.PNG[/img]
Fish Bait / Worms - http://usera.imagecave.com/emo_rhys/RMXP/FishBait.PNG[/img]
Fishing Pole - http://usera.imagecave.com/emo_rhys/RMX ... ngPole.PNG[/img]
Green Fish - http://usera.imagecave.com/emo_rhys/RMXP/GreenFish.PNG[/img]
Red Vial / Hp Potion - http://usera.imagecave.com/emo_rhys/RMX ... Potion.PNG[/img]
Blue Vial / Mp Potion - http://usera.imagecave.com/emo_rhys/RMXP/ManaPotion.PNG[/img]
Red & Blue Vial / Mixed Potion - http://usera.imagecave.com/emo_rhys/RMX ... Potion.PNG[/img]
Pick Axe - http://usera.imagecave.com/emo_rhys/RMXP/PickAxe.PNG[/img]
Red Fish - http://usera.imagecave.com/emo_rhys/RMXP/RedFish.PNG[/img]




Uh, what is this? Why can I see his skull through his hair? :crazy:

It's pretty clear that not a lot of work went into this. Pay more attention to shading and form, and please, please, when you're making clothes, try not to just recolour the skin?

I might suggest you find some actual colour palettes. As it stands, your shades are all over the place, and it looks quite messy. In addition, your outlines are far too dark... And then there's the quintessential pretentious emo kid thing again:


This is one big "don't" when it comes to making hair. For one thing, his hair is supposed to be huge and Scene-y, but then why can we see the outline of his skill so clearly? For another, you can't just draw random lines in the middle and call those hair strands. Third, the entire 'do is just far too... random to be hair. It looks more like a black Jewfro than an emo coif, and it looks more like he's wearing black tentacles on his head than most anything else!
lmao.. i ment critique about my resources not on my quick 5 min job that i did like 5 months ago lmao.. i only made that to see what i could do with a HK template.. Personally i don't like HK i prefer RTP by far.

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