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Chaos Story logo

This is the logo for my upcoming project...Criticism is welcome.




Use image tags so the image can be displayed in your post. (Remove the space between [im and g])
[im g]http://i792.photobucket.com/albums/yy201/Overlord_Zetta/ChaosStory.jpg[/img]

This is your logo, right? I'd say it's decent, but nothing really stands out to me. the font's a little bland, for one.



is there a reason for the fake ESRB rating to be there? is the RMXP logo there because you expect people to forget they're looking at an RM game, despite all the evidence? elements like that, which attempt to create a fake air of professionalism, are pointless, ineffective, and generally actually subtract from the appeal of your piece. you're an indie dude. your game doesn't get classified, and there's no legal requirement for you to stamp an ugly and jarring logo on your cover. relish that fact.

as for the title itself, it's simple, functional, and looks good. it seems to be biting off of Final Fantasy a little, but whatever. you lose major points if that image in the background is from Google Images or something, though.



mawk is right. Lose the ESRB and RMXP logos. There is absolutely no reason for those to be there because your game has not been rated by the ESRB and RMXP is a game making software kit, not a bonafide gaming platform. Other than that, it looks decent, but the image is too abstract to tell what it is and I hope it's not a random pic from the internet.
well i'm going to give it to you hard hon ... sorry! but if it makes you feel any better it's def not terrible.

you're using copperplate gothic or a similar font, and worst of all, it's condensed. don't use that font. why? it's a no-no in the graphic design world for being insanely overused in all the wrong contexts. and DON'T squeeze or skew or pinch the vectors of the letters like that unless you REALLY know what you're doing with typesetting. otherwise it comes out looking hugely amateurish.
obv a final fantasy rip-off in design. i thought it WAS for an FF game until i read the title.
i saw the graphic before the title. thats not really a good thing. it's more important to read the text than look at the graphic, especially when your brand is incredibly hard to make out like that one is.
the logo isn't really a logo ... actually i have no idea what it is. a dragon's head i guess? looks like a leafy rock with a big mouth to me.
and yes, like mawk says, the ESRB and game-making logos are unnecessary. if anything it would be an ESRB rating of "NR" or "Not Rated".
Ha ha, I added the ESRB rating as a joke, my bad. The reason the logo looks similar to that of final fantasy is because it was
meant to be a logo for a fan-made entry to the Fabula Nova Crystalis series. I later decided I'd try to take on a smaller project
as my first game. I will make many changes to it as development progresses. Thanks for the feed back everyone.

P.S. truley else how did you get the image to display?
Like Zeriab said, use [ img][/img] (wh space!) tags around it. I think my opinion would be the same as Venetia, but she said it better =]



also the URL you used was a link to the Photobucket page containing your image, not the direct link to the image itself. to put an image in a post, you gotta either copy the text in the "Direct Link" box (then put it in between img tags) or the "BBCODE" box.

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