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Changing Races

Once again, hi, Pablogigantes (Joe for short...) here. Yes, a script request, since learning ruby is a bit out of my reach for now. I don't wanna use events because, well, it'll lag. Plus, I know how to event anyway. I like a challenge. But I'm getting distracted...

As for what I need, I think the best way I can describe what it is to tell you what the game is about. See, there is a planet. On said planet, there live a whole bunch of different beings of different races (Angels, Demons, the list goes on...). They hate each other. They tend to... kill one another. To stop them, the leader of each race of beings must fall. Then peace and butterflies, blah, blah, blah...

Now, the request: I need the heroes to actually become these races, and change their stass, as well. For example, I'll use Basil:

Basil is sick of being a human. He hates his job because he gets lousy hours and little pay. His wife left him for Arshes, and his father disowned him because he liked to use lances instead of swords, which he said were more manly. He wants to fly away, and, through use of a special piece of equipment, changes into an Aven (I think thats what its called... A bird person...) When he becomes this, his STR and MDEF drop, but AGI and Max HP go up.

Any help at all is greatly appreciated. Thank you for reading, have a nice day. :D

(Hopefully, I'm more clear with this description than my last one...)
One of the easiest imaginable things doable with able and it wouldn't lag... please try events before requesting scripts.
U'd just need to create a little menu with a common event (you know how to create a menu with pictures do you? or anyways if you don't know just make a large show choices...), where you can set the class of an actor.
When you change to a certain class... you want the STR and MDEF to droP?
What's simpler than that? Just put them equal to a certain variable and multiply or divide them for how much you want to change class.
you could also create another variable where you store the original value of the actor and the level that he had when he switched class... anyways it would be really simple and i don't see any matter for it to lag.

Anyways there are scripts for classes and jobs everywhere here...
I couldn't find a script to suit my needs, though. I know I could use events to do this, but I absolutely HATE using events in that fashion. There's already too many events to begin with, what with all the enemies and NPCs.

Also, I kinda forgot one thing to mention (I feel kinda silly about forgetting it, too...) I need each race to have a command specific to that race. (Instead of skill and defend, because having them on EVERY character is totally idiotic, in my opinion...) I, also, can do that (With a script...) but it doesn't seem to work too well. The commands show up, but thats it. They do nothing... and I know I did it right... Maybe its just me...?

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