Actually, yeah, this year was pretty eventful for me. Let's see. In no real order...
- turned 18
- cut off contact with the online community I was part of for a number of years due to increasing amounts of bullshit and drama, some of which was my fault but all of which I was thoroughly sick of; unfortunately, most of my best Internet friends were in this group, but feh
- came here instead because obviously I need somewhere to waste my time
- improved dramatically at pixel art
- became mod
- graduated high school
- worked for the first time
- started going to MIT
- played in the snow for the first time!!
- gained a shitload of weight, which probably has something to do with the fact that I'm trying to get myself off of Adderall (fuck I need to lose that
also I hate all of you skinny people)
I think that's all the major stuff.
- turned 18
- cut off contact with the online community I was part of for a number of years due to increasing amounts of bullshit and drama, some of which was my fault but all of which I was thoroughly sick of; unfortunately, most of my best Internet friends were in this group, but feh
- came here instead because obviously I need somewhere to waste my time
- improved dramatically at pixel art
- became mod
- graduated high school
- worked for the first time
- started going to MIT
- played in the snow for the first time!!
- gained a shitload of weight, which probably has something to do with the fact that I'm trying to get myself off of Adderall (fuck I need to lose that
I think that's all the major stuff.