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[CH]Some stuff for my game...

Okay so here is my main character Ryu:

http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l38/R ... mour-2.png[/IMG]
EDIT: Done...


Credit to Gamerage

http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l38/R ... uke/01.png[/IMG]

From Ranmaru's site

I recoloured them a bit, well more than a bit.

This is something that's gonna go in my project thread:

http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l38/R ... omoPic.png[/IMG]

My other character Mikazuki, I haven't made a character set for him yet but I did these:

http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l38/R ... oPic-1.png[/IMG]

http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l38/R ... omoPic.png[/IMG]

Tell he what you think oh and btw I used GIMP.

RoaringSasuke said:
EDIT: Please don't steal this, it is my main character after all
If you're geniunely worried about that, the thing to do is crop out all but the first row of frames(the idle frames) and post that.
ryanwh said:
If you're geniunely worried about that, the thing to do is crop out all but the first row of frames(the idle frames) and post that.
I forgot XD *goes to change*

About the cape I completely forgot *goes to change as well*
Lonesight said:
genius pants the first three rows of frames the cape is blue the last row it is still red, dont correct me when im correct

Quiet, you... :-/

Anyway, very nice, though tone down the hair a bit, it's way too bright. Also,I like the other characters as well. Good ones. :)
Yea, I'm using the BoF battle system (Which btw went missing so I should repost the demo up here...) and I got a bagillion sprites I can use for it as well. Why?




Those looks pretty nice, but Ryu is a bit too bright. I dunno I just think a characterset like that would do better as an important NPC or diety or something.

Oh yeah, I know there isn't an enforced sig limit... but please put that enormous image in your sig in a spoiler. It's annoying to scroll past that every time you post. That's just too big.

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