Censorship....(The following is entirely my opinion.)
I think this goes back to....well, the home. The heart of everything. I believe that the parents should be the only ones controlling what their children can and cannot do / see. Period.
That said, I don't necessarily agree with schools being able to censor things, because that takes power away from the parents and gives it to the school / government. Not only is this detrimental to the society itself, but it hurts both the parent and child.
You see, the parent is being deprived (or relieved, in some people's views), of responsibility to the child. This causes the parent to either lament for the loss of control, or lose interest in raising the child. (After all, why teach them rules them when the school will for you?)
This also causes an authority issue with the child: That being, who is more important to listen to? My parents or my school system / government?
However, I also agree with the pornography comment. Schools should censor sexually explicit content, and the like, but that brings up another rough question: What is the exact definition of sexually explicit, and the like? Where is the line in the sand?
Here is where the root of the problem lies: Without a form of a higher law, or a moral, or perhaps a Biblical principal, we have nothing to compare our laws / rules to.
What this does....is terrible. It creates a rift between those who follow Common Law and those who follow Political Law. Instead of living in a world of black-and-white rules, you end up with a sliver of black, a sliver of white, and an incredibly large "gray area" that people end up fighting over.
This is why censorship, war, drugs, abortion, discipline, and numerous other problems cannot be solved in a "majority rules" situation. If the majority always rules, then there is no "set in stone" law. Our principals, laws, rules, and even our Constitution change at the whim of the majority.
Our system is flawed, like every other system mankind has ever known. Do you see how fleeting it is? And then there's political corruption....and now I'm way off topic.
I suppose I should cut to the chase, now that I've babbled on for awhile. Schools should not be able to censor material based on their rules or rules implemented by the government, state, or city. If any censorship is to be done, it should be at the discretion of the parents, *not* the school administration.
....After all, this is supposed to be a free country, right?
....Or is it?