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Ok, I've started new project(not going to realse the name yet) and I want a custom battle system for it.

Ok, I bet your thinking, great random crap that'll be a waste of time for me. Well actually, if you create this cbs you'll get the first release demos(if you want them) So you can test out your battle system.;)

The battle system will be a little something like this. You'll engage an enemy, and it's jsut you and the enemy. Everyone else freezes. Your opponent will randomely lash out at you and you have to dodge the attacks, by pressing the directional buttons a certain direction, until you can find an opening. You'd then press another button( presumably the space bar, or something simple like A) And you would attack. You wouldn't kill them in the first hit, it would take a few, and when you defeated them you have the options of wasting time and haveing the ability to get detected by another enemy, but getting lots of items and such, or leaving the enemy be.

If anyone would be able to script this, I would be the happiest person in the WORLD!!:D If you need any info if you want to attempt this, you can either PM me or post here.

PeAcE oUt

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