Ok what I am looking for is a CBS that will alow me to use battlers that will be in the same style as the sprites from a back view and then alow the monster to attack from the front view. The views would be similar to that of the default system ept th eheros would be sen from the back side and everyone ould be fully animated like in ccoas CBS. Am I making any sense? Also if its posible It would be really awsome if all 8 characters could be seen in the battle area but only have three in front that are able to attack and then the otheres standing behind them then allowing me to switch character around. Or if thats to much just have the4 character that ate fighting then be able to sitch haracter by selecting a new one from the menu. I hope that you guys can read this without getting confused and I would really really really apreciate it if sumone could do this for me. Thx in advance and crdit will definatly be givn.:D