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CBS Request

I know a CBS is difficult and few of them get taken up, but I'll post this anyway.

What I'm looking for is a sprite based CBS. I drew a picture of what it might look like.


As you can see, I would like there to be HP bars and MP bars, the same size as in the mockup. They would also have the current hp/max hp thing..

For the state/status, I would like an icon below the actors. If more then one state is on one character, than the icon rotates every 3 seconds or so.

For the battle commands, I'd like it to be 6 commands that are the following:

  • Attack - Normal Attack Command
  • Skill - Normal Skill Command
  • Magick - Uses Scene_Magick, but other than that like Skill.
  • Item - Item Menu that only shows items with an ID of 17.
  • Guard - Normal Guard Command.
  • Escape - Escape Command. If it fails, have a message show up that says "Escape Failed!"

Each command should have an icon next to it, that I can change.

Also, I need it to be that each command text and icon are different for each character.

Now, for this CBS, I want the Magick, Skill and Item menu to be diffrent for battle only.

The Magick, Skill, and Item menu will be in the same location as the battle command window and of the same size. Thus, while selecting magick, skill, or item, the battle command window is not visable.

The Magick, Skill, and Item menu will have 6 options avaliable at once, with the ability to scroll down the list. They will also have their appropiate icons (There will be room, as all the commands have icons as well)

Now, for the actors and enemies themselves.

For the actors, their sprite should be used. If neccessary, I'll import the character into the battlers folder. Anyway, however it's done, all 4 actors appear in the 4th pose on standard RTP charactersets (The one facing up) and are walking in pace (i.e., animated)

The same is for the enemies, except they are on the 1st pose or facing down.

When an actor attacks with a certain weapon or uses a certain skill, they will move up really quick then move down (without changing pose, so just make ethem move forward then backward).

I need somewhere in the script for a item and skill setting area, where I can set which skills and weapons cause the player to have a forward step (For example, a sword will make the actor move forward, while a bow would not. The magick "Fire" won't make the actor move forward, but the skill "100 Fists" will.)

The Window_Help will be in the exact same place.

Also, I'd want it to be that actions are executed immediately after they are selected. The turn order may or may not be visable (Tell me if I need to decide now), but the turn order would be decided by AGI I assume. For example, if the turn order is -A1, A2, E1, A3, E2, A4, E3-.
  1. Actor 1 would decide an action.
  2. Actor 1's action would be executed.
  3. Actor 2 would decide an action.
  4. Actor 2's action would be executed.
  5. Enemy 1's action would be executed.
  6. Actor 3 would decide an action.
  7. Actor 3's action would be executed.
  8. Enemy 2's action would be executed.
  9. Actor 4 would decide an action.
  10. Actor 4's action would be executed.
  11. Enemy 3's action would be executed.
  12. Actor 1 would decide an action.
  13. Actor 1's action would be executed.
  14. e.t.c.

Finally, compatability issues. I use the following scripts and would need them to be compatible with the CBS.

Standard Development Kit
• Revision of Cogwheel's Bars - DerVVulfman
• Universal Message System - Ccoa
• Title Picture - Paradog
• Splash Screen - ??? (No name was commented on the script)
• SG Transfer Player Music Fix - SandGolem
• Biography Script - Italianstal1ion
• Beasitary - prexus
• Crafting - Deke
• Inventory - KGC
• Journal - ???
• Escape Bar Removal Code - DerVVulfman (I'm using it, but I don't think I'll have too once the script is done)
• Skills That Consume Items - Cogwheel?
• Skill Shop - Trickster
• Multi-slot equipment - Guillaume777
• Widescreen - Selwyn
• Battle Report - Raziel

I'd also like it to not be incompatible with much. I want to avoid any future compatibility problems.

Thank you very much to anyone who can or will do this. If someone is going to pick this up, I would appreciate a PM.

:D Thank You :)

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