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Casting Delays (Minkoff)

Animated Battlers by Minkoff 7.1

Maybe it's been done, maybe it's simpler than I think, but I have a need to delay spells by a # of turns based on the spell it is. I also have a need for a skill effect that can interrupt said delayed skills, but if that's not possible leave it out. The member working on the profession system said he'll work around it if the second ability couldn't be done.

Basically (using RTP skills), you have Fire and Greater Fire. Fire casts in one turn while Greater Fire takes 2. If you cast Greater Fire, the battler uses its "Casting" animation in place and a message box pops up saying "Gathering Energy" or "Charging Greater Fire" (preferably the latter) and the battler does nothing. On turn 2, that battler can't accept a command and automatically casts the move, either stepping foward, going to the middle, staying put etc as set in the Minkoff Config.

I'll like to be able to set the turns by something like
@skill_delays      = {skill_id => turns, 2 => 2}
or similar hash. If I need to add #s to the skill name or description instead, it's fine unless it shows up in game.

As for the Interrupter, I'll probably have to ask Trickster about this since I'm using his Support Abilities and Passive Effects. Basically there's a skill that interrupts and cancels a target's charge if used while he's actually charging. If he isn't, then the move fails and it's a wasted turn. There's also a passive effect needed to prevent interruptions. Only Heroes would have this and like the Interrupter and will be worked-around if impossible. Basically this either makes you immune to interruption (from enemies) or raises resistance by a %.

Thanks in advance if you've read this message.
Working on something right now. Just the basics first.

You'll have a hash array at the top where it looks like this:
$delayed_skills = {"Leg Sweep" => 4, "Crosscut" = >2}
So any user doesn't get confused by ID numbers, you type in the actual skill name (got that part working fine), followed by the turn delay (also got that fine).

Probably have some help window show up when it's skipping over the caster's turn... "BASIL Casting" or something. I may add a 2nd value (thinking) to the hash to look like this:
$delayed_skills = {"Leg Sweep" => [4, "Readying"]}
so the system would read "Basil Readying Leg Sweep"

Just came up with that one just now.
That would work. I usually go with IDs since there might be a time where a monster has a move that's similar to the hero's but with different stats. I guess if that happens I can just... rename the skill and keep everything simple.

If you get that working let me know, my team member kinda sprung this one on me so I want to get it in the engine and iron out whatever bugs it'll cause before we start actually putting the content in.
OKAY... I'm not an SDK scripter, so to anyone who is... I'm requesting a conversion of the Skill Casting Delay script that I wrote into the SDK format.

Preferably version 2.0+.

Again, my topic... which you can use for the basis... is Skill Casting Delay.

EDIT: Sorry... didn't wait 3 days...

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