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Cards, yo.

These are basic cards. They do stuff.

Deals low physical damage to opponent. Combos to make physical/elemental attacks.
Deals low fire damage to the opponent. Combos for increased damage or resistance manipulation.
Deals low air damage to the opponent. Combos for increased damage or resistance manipulation.
Deals low water damage to the opponent. Combos for increased damage or resistance manipulation.
Deals low earth damage to the opponent. Combos for increased damage or resistance manipulation.
Deals 30 times the caster's level in light damage to one foe. Combos for 50 damage per level or to create statistic buffs.
Deals 30 times the caster's level in dark damage to one foe. Combos for 50 damage per level or to create statistic debuffs.
Restores the caster's HP by one half of their maximum. Combos for full healing.
Reveals the enemy's HP for five turns. Combos for physical or magical charge-ups or to scan all of an enemy's parameters.

They combine to create 34 seperate combo spells, such as:

Vampire - Deals low physical damage to the opponent, healing the user for the same amount.
Brave Gather - Fills as many of the caster's empty hand slots as possible with Attack cards.
Water Conduct - Reduces the opponent's elemental resistance to water magic by one level. (Drain -> Block -> Half -> Normal -> Weak)

How does it sound? How do they look?
These are going into a full-blown TCRPG. Won't be too long a project, mechanics are supposed to be being discussed elsewhere. It'll be long in coming, though - I want to plan the engine, setting, required resources, and so on ahead of time. I'm making sure I have people's attention ahead of time as well. </attentiongigolo>

So far it seems I do.
They all look outstanding, my favorite would probably be the Fire ("Exuro") and Attack cards. The only ones that really bug me and stand out as not as good as the other ones is Wind ("Wentus") and Darkness ("Atra").

What bugs me with Wind is that... I donno, looking close enough for long enough I recognize that as a tornado touching ground, but I think it is way to skinny that it looks more like a snake than a wind funnel. That, and the fact that it is green (instead of something more windy colored, like grey or blue or something), if I didn't understand the name or you didn't tell me it was 'air damage', I would think that it was more along the lines of a poison type effect.

Darkness (or "Atra" if we may) isn't BAD but I think you could, how do you say, blend the dark and purple together feeling as one than rather as it being so... seperate. Right now it looks like its Cosmic Bowling night at AFM Bowling Center or something, like a black bowling ball in purple light. I suppose that is a bad example, but basically I think it should look more like the purple is 'radiating' off of the black, maybe even add another line or something in between the purple area and make it seem like two 'halos' beaming off of the black ball, kinda like an evil Saturn with two rings or something. More important is the white 'glow' effect you pixeled into it... I'd definately darken it or maybe even get rid of it since darkness is supposed to absorb light anyways and not reflect it.

But like I said, I think the other ones look absolutely splendid!
You present some very interesting points there.

I'll probably take a look at them once I get to the actual building of the engine and the spriting of the interface. Should be a while though - I'm not rushing this like I did SnE, for sure.
This looks like a game I'd want to play.

In all honesty, I agree with Kain on the arts, But the rest are absolutely brilliant.
I've thrown together the indicators for weakness, critical, and the like

It's nothing major but I can't very well toss written battle system plans about.


EDIT: Ooh, that's a neat feature. *notes*
The numbers aren't as good as the ones in the top post, they're kinda hard to make out (I thought they were like Aribic symbols or something at first) but I like the words, they look good and I can read them with each color which is the most important part!

PS you should utilize the [ imgzoom ] tags, so we can see your work a little better! ;)

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