If I eat this mushroom will I get high?
Sgt. Cookie Sponsor 297 Mar 25, 2010 #145 Go on kick him in the balls. His expression won't change. At all.
Zackwell Sponsor 219 Mar 26, 2010 #147 I am the Tree of life. I give life to all. Except Despain, he never has had a life.
Pokémaniac Awesome Bro 13,580 Apr 11, 2010 #150 Am I a tree? Am I a mushroom? Am I one of those funny Asian hats? :mystery:
Daxis Member 1,272 Apr 11, 2010 #154 ...do I really have to say anything? *sigh*, fine. bulbasaur had a tad too many grams during happy hour.
...do I really have to say anything? *sigh*, fine. bulbasaur had a tad too many grams during happy hour.
Sgt. Cookie Sponsor 297 Apr 12, 2010 #156 I really should have listened when they said don't pull any facial expressions when I had a botox treatment.
I really should have listened when they said don't pull any facial expressions when I had a botox treatment.
Pokémaniac Awesome Bro 13,580 Apr 12, 2010 #159 "Woah, look dude! I have legs!" "And you're blue..." "LEGS!"