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Cannabis: Legalised or Not?

Get on Youtube (http://www.youtube.com) and search up Salvia. This stuff is legal. Its Way worse than Marijuana(Pot). There are studys that scientists did on kids and school work. The results showed that when the kids were high the kids did better on their school work and they did it faster. o.O;;

And I don't see how Tobacco is legal when it kills people. Some people might say That the smoke from Pot can hurt your lungs, Yes, It does do some damage but there are things called vaporizors(sp) so it gets rid of the smoke and just has the THC(I think thats what it is called) fumes so it doesn't damage your lungs. O.o;; I'm only 15 and I don't smoke..And I think it should be legal o.o -pwnage- xD
neither tobbaco or weed or whatever else you have been smoking cant have negative effects. So, if 1 is legal, everything else should be. That's what I think, because tobbaco sucks, it tastes bad, it harms ones health alot, it smells bad, its only bad bad bad about it, but its still legal. I know what weed is and it isnt AS bad, but you get jailed for it, which is plain stupid.



Of course they are bad, but so are alot of things. Like mcdonalds or a jelly donut. But people will still eat that, and they will never illegalize refined sugar. So yes pot and tobacco are bad for someone, but truly it's the persons choice. If they want to make a dumb choice I say let them.
Well, yeah, fuck them really. But when it comes to the point of passively smoking, I get really pissed. When I am a cafe or bigger establishments, there should be someone smoking 70% of the time, and smoke will always pass where I am and I will breathe it, its very uncomnfortable. Maybe they could just ban public smoking, but that won't happen anytime soon here.
For me, bannish the smoking, bannish the production. It's a very unhealthy (with no positive effects) drug and its unrational its still beeing commercialized.



very true. When a family is in a restuarant to eat they should not have to breathe someone elses fumes. It's not fair. If they wanna smoke it it should be in private areas.
I agree with Torik. But some Restuarants have Smoker sections. O.o Maybe they shouldn't allow smoking in Restuarants at all? My little brother is allergic to something in ciggarrette smoke and he gets sick when he is around a lot of it but when he was little it was way worse.
One of the few good things about California right now:

It is illegal to smoke in a public building, of any kind. Including bars and nightclubs.



Well I live in Ketchikan Alaska... A really small and crappy town stuck on an island, and nearly everyone smokes cigarettes and pot, and 3/4 of this town drinks as well.

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