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Cancer Vaccines

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Then leave the topic as it was originally intended to be.

Discussions of mis-use of vaccines by Eugenicists.

Oops, I mean Scientists.
Lol, well that's mighty funny, seeing as how the troll card was pitted against me not to long ago for even bringing this up.

So I'm the one that 'loses' the argument because you're the one disagreeing with me.

I refuse to continue a debate with such hypocritical people. It's disgusting.



ok clearly youre just stirring the pot, take your ignorant shit elsewhere. if you want to instigate, do it through PM or somewhere else. youre wasting everyones time and when called out on your "facts" you pull the "google it" card.
ladies and gentlemen, meet the posterchild for ron paul supporters

from venetia: i realize that this post is soft deleted but ron paul was actually a medical doctor for years and supports vaccinations (but is against thoroughly untested/unnecessary ones)
you were looking for Michelle Bachman as the name to drop there

i'm sorry about name-dropping ron paul but i get a huge knee-jerk reaction whenever i hear about his supporters because it seems like so many of them just want complete anarchy

nothing against ronny
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