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Can this be done?

Can someone make a script so when you use a certian skill like in breath of fire 4 you need to wait for example one hour to reuse it but not stop from attacking you cannot use the skill for a certian amount of time
You can use an event with:

1 Variable referring to PLAYTIME(its in the bottom selection)
1 Switch that will activate or deactivate the skill
1 conditional branch to check if the PLAYTIME is == 1 hour
Chaosg1 said:
If don't have nothing to say, don't do it. Youi didn't help him, did you?

@reaper- yes it would be possible, but not in the way atlas said. Oyu would need to use a timer.
duh I helped him.. I warned him there can only be one.. >.> omg you are so dumb. j/k lol
@mistribe - Not the appropriate place for this

@reaper - Fomar made script similar to this, Skill Exhaustion I think its called. not sure if its what your looking for though. Well, now I have to get back to college work >.<
But the exhaustion script will make the player stoping of attacking for some turns i want to stop the skill from being use after you use it for some time like in breath of fire 4 there was an attack that boostes the states for the battle but to reuse it there have to pass five hours it's very long but it was a good attack
Let me just check I have this right.
When you use one a group of skills that group becomes unusable for a time.
And the group is identified by an element?
How many groups do you want scripted?
What do you mean by groups how much skills? and for the element if you want yes but it would be easier with id because not all the skill will have the same amount of time to wait before you use it and can you make the skill greyed when it needs to pass the time?
You said "some skills" it wasn't clear to me whether you meant many individual skills or whether skills where in little groups which become unusable when one of them is used.

I'm pretty sure I understand now, I'll start it in a bit.

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