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Can someone make these scripts pls?

What i need are four scripts:

1- A script that's like breath of fire games. This script let's you have masters that you can train with. Every master has his good or weak meaning that for example:
Master Z increases your:
Hp + 2
Ap - 1
Atk + 3
Def - 2
Spd -2
He can have a status effect like for example:
Hp + 2
Ap - 1
Atk + 3
Def - 2
Spd -2
Effect: Weak against fire
All the actors can learn from every master, you can learn skills too but not every master learns the same like master A who is with him if you stayed with him three levels and master A if you stood with him three levels you learn astral slash but not always with level it can be with number of battles,escape ecc... There is another thing that the masters must have that's: You can have master V train you if you have battled 50 battles or if you want to train with master D you need character a talk to him not the other actors ecc...... Hope someone do this i really need it

2- A script that's like suikoden's games.Every actor has a weapon and you can you can upgrade your weapons and show them the levels of the weapons near them but the weapons don't level up but increase by upgrades it's not that hard it's a simple script in my opinion.

3- A simple edit of the deafult battle system. What i want is to show the command defend only when you press left on attack and instead of defend there could be something different.

4- Can someone make me a load bar script for loading and saving ecc.. pls?

So can someone make these scripts for me i'll credit?
I had edited the weapon request it's not like that one and for the masters i'll post some screenshots


I couldn't find screenshots and so i had edited the first post.
I think Reaper's not mean that Kuri$u...
You mean a weapon has level from lv 1 till lv16?
Want to up lv of that weapon must give money to Blacksmith then he up 1 level?

If you mean that, it can created by using event.
You need many weapon that has level or certain weapon has level.
I am creating an event like above i explain.
But it can just used by 62 kind of weapon.
If you dont mind,
I will post it in the tuitorial section.
DerVVulfman;110527 said:
Similar to your requested load bar script...

It will work like a loading bar too? because i want it to be more like a real game they all have loading bars in them

OmegaGroudon- How you explaind it it's abit like i requested it but i would prefer it as a script

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