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Caldaron's Time add-ons



Well, s/he said that s/he were to busy with other stuff at the moment so it was better of if I asked someone else to help me out.

The link to the thread with Caldaron's Time script

Well, I've written in that thread what I want, but I will write it here to anyways. Since it is a really great script now I wanted to have it just a tat better. To put it simply I want someone to do make these two things work:

1. Be able to jump between times. E.g. the hero goes to an inn and decides to sleep. When the person wake up it should be like 7.00 am the next day, but you should be able to change the time to something else if you don't like 7.00am because that's just an example.

2. This is probably quite easy since I've seen some In-game clocks work with other scripts. So, the thing I want is the In-game time to be shown at like the top-right corner or one of the other corners so the player can keep track on the In-game time.

I don't think this is a hard request for you scripters out there, but I don't know how to script, so I'm asking you. Since Caldaron's Time uses the SDK script, this script needs to be SDK-compatible and I think that is about it :).
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, Caldaron's Time script needs ccoa's weather script, so it needs to work with that script to, but I'm guessing it will anyways, since the thing I'm asking for does not involve anything with the eather in ccoa's script.

If someone of you help me out you will of course be credited for your work.




Many guys/girls have probably missed this thread. Please help me, I would be truly greatful. It would make the script the ultimate weather + day/night script too I think if you could do these probably minor changes.



I've also asked for Calderon's help on those things, and the support he gave was difficult to follow. The time system I'm using now works off of common events and I like it better than any scripted time system I've used so far. It can support both of the things you want to do, but it can't do overlapping times like Calderon's script can.

If you're interested in the common events time system, I'll be glad to give you a link.



It would sure be great if you gave me a link to that time system. Though, I'm not sure I will use it, because I hope that someone will take on this request sometime to help me out :).



I appreciate your help and the link, but it seems to be to much work to use switches and variables for this kind of stuff, plus I really like caldaron's system. The only thing I need are these things and it will be all set (don't think I need anything else for this script anyway...).
I recently felt the same pain as you, my friend; wanting Calderons time with the ability to easily alter the time of day. However, with my scripting skills being pretty basic, I decided to compose an event based system that had some of Calderons features (time flow speed change, support for ccoas weather etc.)

Check it out here, if you're interested:

I know you're looking for a script alternative that doesn't use switches and variables, ideally, (and so am I!) but until then, I figured this was a reasonable setup...



Seems like your demo has a kind of big error... When you walk into the cave (Inn?), it keeps on raining. And I don't think it had anymore weather changes than sun and rain? I had that feeling anyway.

Still, I hope someone will soon take on my request, since it wouldn't be to hard for a scripter.
Oops. Hehe...I didn't realise that. Actually, its not a problem with the demo or the system; thats just me being a twit and not switching the Weather off when you go inside for the demo- I'll point that out in my description...

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