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Bullied teen awarded income for life.

No, but it's been a, admittedly negative, part of all education for over a hundred years. Why the fuck should this kid get his life income provided for him? Perhaps if he lost some weight and tried to move on he'd be perfectly fine.
I'd just like to point out that this has been happening to him since he was in preschool, and the kid got his frikkin teeth punched out.

May I remind you that if an adult did half the things that happened to this kid to another adult, they would end up in jail. Strangling? That's like 2nd degree assault people.

This kid's at fault because he didn't stick up for himself? I don't know if you realize this, but for most kids, sticking up for yourself = worse beating.

The mom's at fault because she didn't take him to a psychiatrist? How do you know that? I don't recall reading a statement saying she had never sought help for him. Quite the opposite actually. This woman was pleading with them to put a stop to the outright harassment and abuse this kid was suffering.

If the "character" being built by kids getting the shit beat out of them is a general lack of compassion and a by proxy justification of bullying and phsyically beating peers, then there is seriously something extremely screwed up with society.

But then again, what do I know? I didn't lose my virginity when I was 12 and I've never cracked someone's head on the sidewalk. I guess I'm just not adjusted.



May I remind you that if an adult did half the things that happened to this kid to another adult, they would end up in jail. Strangling? That's like 2nd degree assault people.

Quoted for truth. Along with the rest of the post.

It really shouldn't have come to this in the first place because something should have been done about it.

Personally I have been rushed to hospital twice as a result of bullying in primary school and in one instance the student's parents weren't even told. Even at the time it was frustrating that no-one would do anything about it and I might have tried to avoid school, but in the end I switched schools instead. Still, this isn't always an option. Even for me it meant a half-hour bus ride instead of a five-minute walk. It isn't fair and saying it 'builds character' is totally out of order.


Must I bring up the Mcdonalds case where the lady sued over her spilling her cup of coffee all over herself? and then sues them for not saying that you shouldn't add the creamer and sugar while driving?

What the fuck? How are the cases AT ALL similar? Explain please because comparing one's own stupidity to another's spite is stupid.

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