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BulletPoint Demo

Hey guys, I just wanted to share a demo of the game I am working on, it is called Bulletpoint. In the demo you play the first level. You have to survive for 6 minutes and kill the boss. You, your skills, and your guns will all level up. You can also purchase health, and a flamethrower. Here is a link to the Demo:




There is also a link in my signature.

So after reviewing the feedback I got for the demo, Their are key problem areas I fixed with this recent update.

1st - I kept being asked how to equip the flamethrower.

So I added an additional icon to the hud that explains all the controls. Also, after purchasing the flamethrower the text in the shop explains how to equip it.

2nd - I don't want to click on the shop icon, while in the middle of the action.

So, I made "e" a hotkey, that will bring up the shop menu.

3rd - I felt the gameplay could be tweaked a bit.

So, I lowered the enemies life and increased their rate of fire, I lowered the players initial life and I also increased the boss's damage, to make him a little more challenging.

I hope you enjoy the changes.

Thank you for viewing

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