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Buddhism & Christianity; are they the same?



I've read the Bible and the teachings of Buddha fairly thoroughly and I can say from personal perspective there are some major differences in the fundamental belief structures between the two. Superficially they're similar in the way they expect you to act toward others and on the subject of personal discipline, but you could say that of many positive spiritual beliefs.

The metaphysical / supernatural theory is drastically different though, as are particular doctrines on day-to-day and larger sociological rules, from how people should eat, how crime should be dealt with, how rulers should be determined and how they should behave and be respected, and so on.

You could make an argument that they essentially draw the same ethical conclusions but that's the extent of similarity between the two religions.
Damn, N beat me to it.

Pretty much every religion has the same basic tenets, whatever you call them - the Five Pillars, the Ten Commandments, the Four Noble Truths, whatever.
'Don't kill' and 'be nice' are effectively the foundation blocks of religion.
Hell, even the Satanic Bible has those foundations. Strange but true. In fact Satanism is a pretty cool religion that bears a closer look, but a different day for a different topic.

Gautama Buddha was certainly an enlightened man, and so was Yeshua.
I really think that's it, that enlightenment brings about respect for others and a certain worldview. In other matters, as N said, Yeshua and Gautama Buddha had differing opinions, especially on the existence of a god-figure, how people should live and behave, and especially with regards to laws.

My two cents? Both enlightened, both got something from that.
Similarities end there.
I'm sort of Christian but Budism is starting to seem more and more appealing to me. I don't like the way Christians have a strong stance against gay people (I'm not gay but I'm not a homophobiac) and I like the way Budism is more about respecting each other and treating people with diginity and peace rather then trying to convert everything in sight, I don't know maybe I should try to find a bit more about the religion.
I do believe there could be similarities between Jesus (if he even existed) and Buddha, however I'm still not going to believe in either religion.  Christianity, as we all know, fucking HATES gay people, and I certainly don't hate them.  Plus "God" contradicts himself and breaks his own rules several times in the bible.  Buddhism is a little more open-minded and peaceful, so if I had to choose one I'd definitely look towards the Buddha.
Can't go wrong with Buddhism.
Unless you, like many people, don't like your women being subjugated - ahh, ahh people forget about that so quick, the peace loving monks who dislike women, and bind their breasts and shave their heads, we forget so quickly, don't we.  Then again those are more conservative and hardcore Buddhists, so yeah - just like Christianity, they both have their nuts.

That we forget that Buddhist have put Mongols to force themselves to convert, else face death is a very Christian thing.  Buddhist monks in Tibet proclaimed that killing a Communist wasn't a sin.  Tibet and other areas where the ruling power was the Buddhist have had very evil instances of being a very corrupt Theocracy, including mass murder, slave labor, torture, mutilation, all that.  Again all this a very Christian thing.

Buddhists are just as evil and closed minded as any other religion, it's just in such a state of oppression in some of the more major areas, that we're more in love with the peace loving happy sunshine smiling old monk in an orange jumper, than we are with the guy who hates you, me, and everyone else.  Just like how people were in love with the peace loving happy sunshine smiling old monk in a brown jumper back when Christianity was in the major oppressings, and the Jewish faiths - and you know what?  I already said it.

When your see someone being destroyed and pushed down it's easy to forget that they once hated you, or did bad things.  Particularly when those things are hard to come by, because of the close minded circuit of information in histories.  Buddhism is a great religion, but just like Christianity and every religion you want to call, Jewish, Islamic, anything, at times the people in charge were real fuck ups and perverted the faith.

EVERY religion is the exact same and completely different.

Oh and by the way, some Buddhist ideologies insult gays just as much as Christianity, it's just a lot nicer to see the aspects of the faith that promote homosexuality, such as those in Thailand who believe everyone will eventually be a ladyboy, and you should not hate on them - that they are both sexes and as such, better.  Then again, while your promoting peace and love and going to the Free Tibet concerts, your not going to cover the story of the Buddhist monks who slapped a lesbian and pushed her -very violently, she ruptured her friggin' eye if I remember correctly- until she was something like two dozen feet away from the monastery.  Because she openly kissed another woman on the cheek.

Ahh - we always forget about the nutballs when we're talking peace love and happiness, don't we.
No, it's pointing out a lot of one sided and biased arguments, calling them facts, and glossing over or directly ignoring - and even LYING, about gaps and loopholes that make half the arguments about as credible as the flat earth theory.
While put together well, and while it serves it's purpose, it's about as "factual" as Gore's li'l film.

Besides, it really doesn't fit in this argument unless you are going to mention these arguments, for discussionary points.
Geeze, I post an idea and you bite my head off. All I am saying is it is an interesting movie. Point out to me where it is lying, ignoring, or being one sided about anything.
It does have some facts in it. like how the christian religion is VERY similiar to the egyption one. And how the astrological signs are what the bible is talking about. And that out of the 13-15 historians that were alive when Jesus supposidly was, none of them recorded him being alive. If you would watch the movie with an opened mind, then you would understand.

EDIT:*sigh* I guess I have no choice but say "I am sorry for inputting something that you would disagree with". Its true what they say, you can't win against a mod or an admin. No matter what you say, it will still only be your point of view.
In another thread I would and have pointed out various lies, ignorances, and other false behaviors of the movie, and I'm not biting your head off at all.  When I bite someone's head off, I tend to use lots of smilies and sarcasm that is completely opposite my usual nature.
Instead what I'm doing is pointing out the rules of this forum.  Which state that posts must clearly have an argument and a point, and not merely a "look at this" stance - which is what you did.

If you state the actual argument you see fitting in this thread, for those who haven't or wouldn't care to see the movie, then I wouldn't have "bit your head off" at all.

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