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BS with Active time Bar + Skill time Bar (like FF10-2 BS)



I'm sercing this script for a long time X| can you help me?
I need a script for a bs like the one in ff10-2 with the active time bar and another bar that appair when you wont to cast a skill... i've searc everywhere for this script, i've seen it in some project like Izeru Game or other but that script in my project doesn't work, maybe is foult of the sdk i've in my game... then:
i need a BS script with
-Active time bar (like in a lot of finalfantasy game)
-Skill time bar (a bar that appair when you try to cast a skill, like in ff10-2)
-no other things, only the two in the 1st and 2nd point, becose in the future i must put in the proj also a limitbreake script and a summon script like in ff10 then the script must be the most simple XD
:please: i really need it pls help me T.T
if someone is able to make the bs script in the game izeru be compatible with the sdk will be the greatest thing in the world *.* becose i've try to change the script but i'm not able so much X|
Well... any battlesystem out of Japan isn't SDK as it 'probably' didn't catch on. However, posting a battlesystem AFTER the SDK should work fine. It just means that whatever scripts the battlesystem overwrites will no longer be SDK. Map scripts, movement scripts and the like are 'TYPICALLY' unaffected. This includes RTAB.

But if you don't like that script, then check out the ParaDog's ATB battlesystem (I posted version 2.58) and get ParaDog' Skill Delay script (posted by Landarma under:
Side-view with walking sprite & Active Time Battle from para.j-mx.com

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