Thank you all for your feedback.
You all are right, this game can be improved easily. The lack of time and my inexperience in game-making was a handicap, and result is a bit far from what I was planning.
Wink: Thank you for your support, I'm glad you like it
Joannesalfa: You're right, this game has nothing original, but it's my first "game" and I tried to recreate something I know, instead of doing lots of experiments with mechanics until I find a fun one. Being realistic, how many time would you spend playing most of games in this contest? Most of them are too short or too simple to play it for hours (thought there are some really good ones too), so I'd rather do something classic, recognizable and easy to play (one of the most voted games is Skygear-01, that is a classic shooter).
I see this competition like a showcase of what Construct 2 can do, and after trying all contestant works, I think it has been a success, regardless of who'll be the winners. There are games for all tastes: cool, pretty, funny, innovative, classic... so I think it's a good promo for Construct 2. Thank you for your comments, anyway
Afgho: I'm agree with you that bricks animation needs to be improved. I planned to do it, but I run out of time and couldn't add it. I'm planning to add it once contest is over, as well as add some music and better graphics and sound effects. Collisions needs improvement too, I haven't seen that bug you say so I'll try to fix it. Collisons with player platform are far from perfect too so I need to study and understand how collisions works in Construct 2.
In general terms, "Brick Break" is more a beta or a tech demo than a finished game. Graphics are rough, sound is too simple and gameplay can be improved, but I think it's not a bad try if we consider that it's my first game and I spent less than a week in learning Construct 2, testing engine capabilities, understanding how a game works and building the game from the scratch.
My conclussion is that Construct 2 is an impressive tool, very easy to learn and with great possibilities. And the best of all is that it's continuously evolving, adding more and more features over time, so I think that the best is yet to come.