Not too bad, snuggles. Here's some stuff you could do to make it look even better.
-The far left of your grass tile seems to be tiling weird. If you look at that big expanse, it's kind of obvious if you relax and don't focus on anything specifically.
-The top of the bricked-up house is kind of strange.
-Again, with that building, try making a new tile, adding in the window, and working out the sizes of the bricks to end at the window. If you do this, try to give the illusion of the window being recessed into the wall a little bit.
-Try lightening the grass a little. It seems to detract from the bright cartoony Breeze style a little to me.
The houses could use some extra detail, but since I haven't covered that yet, I won't be too annoyed. All in all, a solid effort. Keep trying, and eventually your name will be spoken alongside that of greenraven! (Just kidding, but it's a possibility. I went into this thinking that - then I snapped back to earth. GR is infinitely more talented, but I can write tutorials, so I'm content.)