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Dead Content BluxxonQuest FINAL MIX

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The newest BluxxonQuest installment is here! Twice as long as the last one, with twice the features! Watch as Bluxxon roams the lands trying to defeat his enemies! He battles evil witches, gangs of other clouds, and even fire dragons!


Featuring 12 different songs, this is the most musical BluxxonQuest yet! Hear the terror as you fight against bosses, feel the joy when you traverse across the forests!



Gossip with friends and strangers as you make your way across 4 unique worlds!


A new health system tells you how much more damage Bluxxon can take! Watch out Bluxxon, it's an evil fire dragon!



Awesome Bro

All bad comments aside, it was a really good game, a little on the short side, but nonetheless a good play.

Are you planning on making a sequel anytime soon, I can see how the story would go, and think a sequel, with more plot characters would make it amazing.
Yes I am currently working on a complete overhaul! The new version of the game is going to have all new characters and it's going to be twice the length! This is what I have so far:

@ azrith001:

I dunno if I want to start working on the new game yet. I'll think about it. : )

ok, ill bite.

Hi, ill play this if you spend more than 5 minutes and try to NOT make it look like shit

More than 5 minutes? The battle system/HUD is entirely coded in events. And the graphics look like that because I wanted to make the game smaller!
Don't feed the trolls, this isn't even a funny topic I don't get why you people keep replying especially when this has already been posted before several times :/

There are some legitimately good games here ffs
Stop judging games based on graphics plzthnx.

I spent a lot of time working on this and it's not the same as the previous games I've made (this ones waaaaaaay longer and has like double the music tracks and graphics)
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