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Blue Skies

BlueSkies (COMPLETE)



Hello all! First off, I'm new to RPG making and was able to download RPG maker 2003! I decided to play with it immediately! taking a turn in creating my own full fledged RPG game! fleshing out my own story and world in this engine! and I am very excited to see it come to life.. though for now, I only have a few resourcers and I'm sticking to the RTP design as of this very moment. one of my goals right now is to try and bring the current RPG maker 2003 RTP to life with a fully designed story and characters!! And I would love and appreciate any comments and feedback on my game! :D


Long after the universe was created, it was expanded by a supreme being, unknown. Worlds within worlds formed as thousands of galaxies took shape. Within this vastness, a very beautiful world was created; a virgin paradise pulsating the light of innocence, as it unfolded before the stars. Planet "Vyen" is a pure world filled with the mysteries of serenity and complete harmony. As humanity and life formed, they began to spread and multiply. It was all light, beauty and pure... until man began to expand their awareness, their knowledge.

Though some ascended to a higher form of conscious thought; using their knowledge for the betterment of oneself and finding peace within; others have fallen into the abyss of greed and corruption leading to a desire and thirst for power, giving birth to evil as we know it. By then, the once pure world was tainted. Wars have been sought, and leaders entered bloody battles to divide and conquer.

Celestial beings neighboring the planet were worried, for, if humanity were to destroy itself, the balance of the universe would be affected greatly. The Celestial beings then visited the planet in the form of man, trying to make a change. However, all was too late as the only glimmering hope the Celestials were clinging to, was Love. A bond which connects two completely different bodies, two completely opposing forces.

As they held this new found hope in their hands, a new horizon was born... For now.


The story revolves around a young boy named "Skye" who lives at a small village called Suna. he is somehow strangely connected to the struggle of life and death in Planet Vyen. He journeys throughout his time with his friends as he finds more new friends... but little does he know, that truth lies in every strange prophetic dream he has. for these are keys that allow him to uncover a deeper part of his persona and entire life.



Name: Skye
Age: 22
Gender: Male
- Skye is a very gentle young man, a kindred spirit who has a very understanding and calm nature. His friends are immediately comfortable being with him. which is why people easily adore him.. He is also being himself and is happy with it, though he can be quirky and funny at times.. but Skye is extremely smart and sees through people.. He started having bizarre dreams of voices whispering at him.


Name: Caven
Age: 22
Gender: Male
- Caven is a royal prince at house "Gemeid". Caven is a strong-willed and determined young man, but he is also calm and he always knows what he is doing though he can be blunt and straightforward at times, he has a protective nature, especially to his family, friends and their people. Caven trains to be a strong warrior through journeying alone... But life-changing revelations awaits this young man, especially when he starts crossing paths with Skye, for all these wound up between the two of them and their whole individuality.


Name: Gwir
Age: 38
Gender: Male
- Gwir is a massive dictatorial ruler from house "Xmeil".. And has currently succeeded in becoming the superpower among nations. Gwir is ruthless and cold, but some say he used to be a kind and loving man... whatever may have changed him, he now hunts people who have the "Celestial" bloodline within them, and wishes to perish them and all their blood.. even to the extend of burning down an entire city to make sure none of their kin ever lives anymore.


















BlueSkies FULL

(the whole game has an estimated gameplay time of 7-9 hours.)


1. Shuya's 3D model art
Melyra is one of BlueSkies' precious characters, a very good friend to Skye. Though she can be quite talkative and whiny, she's actually a very true friend to the group. And what we have here is a very beautiful translation of Melyra's character into a 3D Graphics art by one of our talented RPG-pips, Shuya!



2. @Mirpono 's Very cute Sky fanart!
Here is a very cute and awesome rendition of BlueSkies' main protagonist, Skye! Made by the very talented, Mirpono!! ^_^

3. Game Character Map (Huge image)
Pictures used: Gozaru, Chaos-portal, Shuya's 3D melyra art.

- Gozaru for the facesets
- KHinsider.com for the midi's I used ingame
- MetalRenard for helping me with my writing
- Lightness for a minor face recolor edit
- VIPRPG for the costum RTP based charsets

- Fun and colorful story, dialogues and characters.
- Immersive soul capturing plot events.
- Decent Battle difficulties, beginner friendly, as well as
interactive enough for expert gamers.
- Side quests and hidden quests that allows you to
acquire items, money or even summons!!
- Nostalgic RPG music for your ears' memoirs.
- Puzzles with a mix of poetic riddles to ignite that curiousity!
- Explore the fantasy world of Vyen, the continents.. and learn their mysteries!


It is really one of my goals to make this an emotionally driven RPG that is both soulful and meaningful. I want to give that feeling from before when we started playing RPG games in our childhood such as the Final Fantasy series. The vibe those games gave where it is fun not only game-play wise, but also story-wise.

Creating a story that is involving for the players as you lost yourselves, fully immersing within a rich fantasy world.

Riding this story which is intended to bring about childhood nostalgia and feelings of love for such games and it's simplicity. I hope that I have given you all an RPG that you can enjoy as my goals dictate. :)
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New Demo link up!

BlueSkies Demo 0.2 - 25 to 30 min. Short demo
Note: I did not include the RTP compression in this demo, so I guess it must be important if you have RM2k3 or the RTP installed in your PC to play the demo! :)

Hope you guys enjoy trying BlueSkies demo! xD


A polished and 40-50 min long demo is up! v 0.5

Note: if you have a save from previous versions, just copy your save file (.lsd files) to version 0.5 folder.
Hello all!! Finally a very long demo for BlueSkies is now up!! Version 1.0
Note: if you have a save from previous versions, just copy your save file (.lsd files) to version 0.5 folder.

I hope you guys enjoy it!!  
I just finished a new demo!! Version 1.5!!
Note: This time though, I suggest not to use your old save anymore and start from the beginning, I'm sorry for the inconvenience but there has been alot of changes in the game, especially the way Skye interacts in battle, the system and etc. 

Here are the features in the new demo:
- Skye can no longer attack and has 0 attack. (His attack command is removed, he is purely a healer now, you can simply use the skill "Relax" to pass the turn) 
- New simple RTP windowskins and fonts
- Some minor bug fixes involving the maps.
- Balancing the power of healing. Potions and Skye's healing abilities recovers more health now.
- Many of the characters' skill progression have been changed dramatically
- Of course, as a new version of the demo: New maps, dungeons and heart-digging plot-events to immerse into..

These are the changes made compared to the old demo.. I do hope that those who've played the game in it's older versions understand why you need to go back in the beginning of the game.. it's just to avoid bugs or crashes. xDD While I always do hope that everyone enjoys as they try this new demo.  
UPDATE!! No new demo this time, BUT!!

I am proud to announce that I am almost done with the game, let's say 85% done!! and I will soon release the FULL complete version of BlueSkies!! Thank God!  

For now, I wanna leave some screenies featuring a new gameplay flavor... SUMMONS!!

UPDATE!! The moment that I've always longed for is here!!! XDD

BlueSkies is finally complete!!! XDD yes!! COMPLETE!! XDD I've done a long test run with the full version, and so far I haven't found any bugs (hopefully there really aren't any bugs)!! though i still haven't tried using a save file from 1.5 to the full version.. xD

Firstly, I have God to thank for making this possible for me, It really warms my heart to be able to finish my very first RPG maker game, which was made with RPG maker 2003, my very first RPG maker engine!! It was very tough for me learning how the events, switches, variables and etc. worked!! but through it all, I did my best to learn patiently, and in God's mercy, BlueSkies Full version was the result! xDD I've put heart and soul into the story, world and characters of BlueSkies!! that is why, I do hope you all enjoy the game as I did creating it!  Now, I wish to thank everyone who've tried my previous demos and been there to give their feedbacks, suggestions and comments, they all mean a lot to me, and without you all, this full version wouldn't be as it is now!!  

And TA-DAH!! the download!!:
BlueSkies FULL
(the whole game has an estimated gameplay time of 7-9 hours.)

I hope you all enjoy!!  May the BlueSkies above you fill your day with joy!
Hello guys!! it's been awhile since the release of Blue Skies in it's complete version!! 

and for that, I created a huge character map of the entire game!! this character map involves all of the important characters, their affiliated kingdoms/towns and their connections with each other.. I hope you guys enjoy learning more about their relations as you play the game!!   and to those who have already played the game, a feedback and comment would be much appreciated!!  

Here's the huge character map:
Pictures used: Gozaru, Chaos-portal, Shuya's 3D melyra art.
Hi everyone, I'm just really happy to show to you guys a very cute fanart of Skye made by Mirpono. ^_^

Here is a very cute and awesome rendition of BlueSkies' main protagonist, Skye! Made by the very talented, Mirpono!! ^_^
Hi everyone! I just wish to share this amazing new BlueSkies poster I made with the help of Leonardo A.I. art generator! :D <3 Photoshopped and put together by me. <3 In celebration of my first ever RPG maker game BlueSkies. All lessons I've learned from this game, mistakes, the joy of completing a game, and more. <3 Hope you enjoy! ^_^

You can get the full large image here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/43k9zv319heg2lg/Blue+Skies+Poster+large.png/file

I am planning to remake all of my older games' cover arts with my own to replace the Leonardo A.I. ones xD! And here's the first cover art replacement for my first ever RPG, BlueSkies 1! Hope you guys like it! ^^ <3

New BlueSkies 1 cover art:

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