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Blink/Utemsmei from FF games?



Many Final fantasy games have the "blink" status where they gain 2 shadows, when they are attacked one of the shadows disipears instead of damaging the character. The ninja class in final fantasy XI has this ability and is called utsemi.

I'm looking for a way to create this effect in RMXP with the folling features.

* a way to make multiple blink effects, in example Blink 1 gives you 2 shadows, blink 2 gives you 3 shadows and blink 3 gives you 5 shadows.

* a way to make certian attacks stip away all the characters shadows.

Thank you for taking your time to read this.
I think I don't quite understand what you want... are you talking about some Bunshin technique where you 'duplicate' the character who uses a skill, which counts as an additional target for the enemies, and vice versa? I guess that it could be a little tricky, because you'd have to add additional characters to battle...

Ninpo Ikkan! :D
You could think of it as a shield too, basically you use a skill, and the next X amounts of hits against the target are automatically "Miss".

This is actually a fairly basic script to do, it's just annoying to make Plug and Play (ie. aliasing and such).
I've done this quickly, if there are any errors post them and I'll fix them when I get back.

# Script By Fomar0153
class Game_Battler
  Hit_by_attacks_removes_blink = false
  Hit_by_skill_removes_blink = true
  Blink_guards_attacks = true
  Blink_guards_skills = false
  Skill_blinks = [
  {'id'=>1, 'blinks'=>1},
  {'id'=>2, 'blinks'=>2},
  {'id'=>3, 'blinks'=>3}
  attr_accessor :blinks
  alias before_blink_initialize initialize
  def initialize
    @blinks = 0
  alias before_blink_skill_effect skill_effect
  def skill_effect(user, skill)
    if Hit_by_skill_removes_blink == true
      @blinks = 0
    if @blinks == 0 or Blink_guards_skills == false
      for blink_skill in Skill_blinks
        if blink_skill['id'] == skill.id
          @blinks += blink_skill['blinks']
      return before_blink_skill_effect(user, skill)
      @blinks -= 1
      self.critical = false
      self.damage = 'Miss'
      return false
  alias before_blink_attack_effect attack_effect
  def attack_effect(attacker)
    if Hit_by_attacks_removes_blink == true
      @blinks = 0
    if @blinks == 0 or Blink_guards_attacks == false
      return before_blink_attack_effect(attacker)
      @blinks -= 1
      self.critical = false
      self.damage = 'Miss'
      return false

To use just mess with:
Hit_by_attacks_removes_blink = false
Hit_by_skill_removes_blink = true
Blink_guards_attacks = true
Blink_guards_skills = false
Skill_blinks = [
{'id'=>1, 'blinks'=>1},
{'id'=>2, 'blinks'=>2},
{'id'=>3, 'blinks'=>3}
The first two remove all blinks when you are attacked with that method if set to true, ie a skill will ignore and reset the number of blinks to 0 and an attack will miss if blinks > 0 and lower it by one as it is configured now.
Then you set up what blink guards attacks and/or skills.
Then skill blinks add a hash for every skills that adds a blink/s and then id is the skill's id and blinks is the amount of blinks.

Note: there is no visual indication.

To make all blinks end after battle use this:
class Scene_Battle
  alias before_blink_start_phase5 start_phase5
  def start_phase5
    for actor in $game_party.actors
      actor.blinks = 0

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