This document explains a fast way to get the data from an RGSS bitmap object,
which I have discovered.
Internally, RGSS bitmaps are stored as Windows bitmap data.
Using a Win32 DLL, it is possible to retrieve this data's internal
structure with the help of a little known trick using the Ruby object's ID:
Ruby code follows illustrating this technique with a hypothetical DLL "mydll.dll"
and a hypothetical function "MyFunction".
Having retrieved the object's ID, the DLL function can shift the ID left by 1 to get
a pointer to the object's internal data structure. C code follows illustrating
the technique.
In this case, the ID for a bitmap refers to the Ruby structure for
arbitrary data. This structure points to a bitmap structure, which in
turn points to the actual information on the bitmap. All three structures
are defined below. (The code below is in C.)
Using this knowledge, the DLL function can process the bitmap however it
wants. For example, it can save the bitmap, retrieve a whole row of it,
perform a complex effect on it, and so on.
I'm not sure whether this thread is appropriate here, but
this information may be known by no one until now.
A demo for the bitmap effects used to be here, but the link is now broken.
which I have discovered.
Internally, RGSS bitmaps are stored as Windows bitmap data.
Using a Win32 DLL, it is possible to retrieve this data's internal
structure with the help of a little known trick using the Ruby object's ID:
Ruby code follows illustrating this technique with a hypothetical DLL "mydll.dll"
and a hypothetical function "MyFunction".
# Pass the object's ID to the function
Having retrieved the object's ID, the DLL function can shift the ID left by 1 to get
a pointer to the object's internal data structure. C code follows illustrating
the technique.
void __declspec(dllexport) __stdcall MyFunction(unsigned long object){
RGSSBITMAP *data=(RGSSBITMAP *)(object<<1);
// Process data pointer here...
In this case, the ID for a bitmap refers to the Ruby structure for
arbitrary data. This structure points to a bitmap structure, which in
turn points to the actual information on the bitmap. All three structures
are defined below. (The code below is in C.)
#include <windows.h>
// Actual bitmap info
typedef struct{
DWORD unk1;
DWORD unk2;
// First row of the bitmap, rows
// are stored in descending order
RGBQUAD *firstRow;
// Last row of the bitmap
RGBQUAD *lastRow;
// Bitmap data
typedef struct{
DWORD unk1;
DWORD unk2;
// Ruby data structure
typedef struct{
DWORD flags;
DWORD klass;
void (*dmark)(void*);
void (*dfree)(void*);
Using this knowledge, the DLL function can process the bitmap however it
wants. For example, it can save the bitmap, retrieve a whole row of it,
perform a complex effect on it, and so on.
I'm not sure whether this thread is appropriate here, but
this information may be known by no one until now.
A demo for the bitmap effects used to be here, but the link is now broken.