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Bit rusty with RGSS, so I need some help.

For a purpose in my game, I decided to code a window that would display some variable information, sorta as a records board (i.e, like the board in Mario's house in Paper Mario). I have the window frame and words down, and I already have it centered and size perfectly....but I need some help. I'm a bit a rusty anywya, so I've forgotten most of what I leanred from Law on RPGRevolution.
1. Is there a way to store the total number of currency earned throughout the game and show it as a variable?
2. How do I display a variable in a window again?
3. I'm using an event to call the window, and a parrelarel process event that will kill the window if a specific key is pressed, but I'm getting errors when I try it.



Not sure about that 3rd error, but there's definitely a way to code the first two.

1. In "Interpreter 4", the command for "Change Gold" is under "def command_125". Under the "value" line, you can add the following, where id is the variable you want to add to:
$game_variables[id] += value

2. To display a variable, instead of text, have the code:

Hope this helps!
Just for reference's sake, when you use a conditional branch for a button press, it corresponds to Input.press?(), which will run whenever the button is pressed, unlike trigger which requires it to be released before it will run again upon a keypress. Your window thereby disposed itself countless times when the X pad button was pressed. Another approach would be to change it into:

$window.dispose unless $window.disposed?

BubblesVonSalamancer":14yk9oci said:
Not sure about that 3rd error, but there's definitely a way to code the first two.

1. In "Interpreter 4", the command for "Change Gold" is under "def command_125". Under the "value" line, you can add the following, where id is the variable you want to add to:
$game_variables[id] += value

2. To display a variable, instead of text, have the code:

Hope this helps!

1. make sure you're not adding a negative value:
$game_variables[id] += value if value>0

2. yes, then you can use it like any self.contents.draw_text :
self.contents.draw_text(x, y, w, 32, text, align)

3. using events to control windows is possible, but buggy.
The usual way is to make a scene to update the window and dispose it. Then, in the event simply call $scene = Scene_Text.new .
The following code will show your window, and the map behind it, just like you get when using an event. It uses C button, not X.
[rgss]class Scene_Text
  def main
    @window = Window_Text.new
    @spriteset = Spriteset_Map.new
    # Main loop
    loop do
      if $scene != self
  def update
    if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
       # Switch to map screen
       $scene = Scene_Map.new
I'm not sure what you mean by 'character count of variable', but you can get the width of any text by doing
w = contents.text_size(your_txt).width
To adjust the window's height/width, do something like:
[rgss]class Window_Text
def initialize
   height = n * 32     # n: num of variables
   width = 640
   super(0, 0, height, width)
Miles Castea":ok48myid said:
What's the four dots for?
.... = the rest of your initialize method.
Miles Castea":ok48myid said:
by character count, how many numbers in a variable at the time, and it would probably go by the number that has the highest character count.
Nope, still no clue what you're saying.
The num of variables in a Array, each one is a string? :crazy:
Character count as in...take this for example.
The character count of the sentence above is 46 characters.
Now take this number: 2747. Despite being two thousand, seven hundred, and fourty seven...it's still 4 characters.
Again: 3647623747. I'm not counting that...figure it out for yourself kid. The character count of the number to the left is 10.

Character count for this entire post is 400.

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