For a purpose in my game, I decided to code a window that would display some variable information, sorta as a records board (i.e, like the board in Mario's house in Paper Mario). I have the window frame and words down, and I already have it centered and size perfectly....but I need some help. I'm a bit a rusty anywya, so I've forgotten most of what I leanred from Law on RPGRevolution.
1. Is there a way to store the total number of currency earned throughout the game and show it as a variable?
2. How do I display a variable in a window again?
3. I'm using an event to call the window, and a parrelarel process event that will kill the window if a specific key is pressed, but I'm getting errors when I try it.
1. Is there a way to store the total number of currency earned throughout the game and show it as a variable?
2. How do I display a variable in a window again?
3. I'm using an event to call the window, and a parrelarel process event that will kill the window if a specific key is pressed, but I'm getting errors when I try it.