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BioFlux Story Ideas

In sorta a bind, thoght of two different direction for my game but not sure what road to follow.
The game takes place in the furture, after a scientific accident has cause the world to change.
Kinda a mix between Resident evil and Parasite Eve.

Humans fight to survive not only agaist each other but those who came after the big bang. Anyway here is just a very small detail on the two sides. Which one you like and why. Would help out greatly.

The worlds enviroment has died and because of this The world has no vegetationa and all land has been turned into sand. There are still sturctures and buildings but there is vicous acid rain so they’re all eroding. Because of the acid rain all the water outside of storage has been poisoned. The plants have mutated with animals to survive. Add any other suggestions ^^


The world hasn’t completely died but: Humans and Animals have mutated and gained different enhancements. The worlds society has died out and the dominant species are mutants. The enviroment is a lot more alive with normal plants a lot more dangerous. The sea creatures have evolved of course. There are still small parts of civilization. Weapons could have evolved. Add any other suggestions
I don't really understand this" Humans fight to survive only only against each other but those who came after the big bang."

The worlds environment has died and because of this The world has no vegetations and all land has been turned into sand. There are still structures and buildings but there is viscous acid rain so they’re all eroding. Because of the acid rain all the water outside of storage has been poisoned. The plants have mutated with animals to survive "The humans race are reduced to thousands and are living underground. They have to eat man-made food to survive. Now, the plant mutated animals is on top of the food chain and are hunting humans everyday. The human race's future is bleak."

I like this one better because it has a more 'survival' feeling. The other seems to 'weird' because of the evolution and enhancement. It's not a bad idea though, i just like this one better.
Oh meant to be not only agiast...lol

A 3rd Idea was a combine version of both these ideas, The humans left the vegistaion area due to the mutation of plants and animals so then hide away to a desolant place, in the middle of a desert where there only threat who those who feed on human flesh.

Something along those lines, it sounded better in my head when i though of it....really should start writing stuff down in a note book.

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