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Better Bush Depth

Better Bush Depth Version 1.0
by Neo-Bahamut aka Wurstinator

most of you might know the term "Bush Depth". It's the effect, that when you go into e.g. the high grass of the standard tileset "Grassland", about 25% of you character are shown semitransparent. I think this function sucks pretty much in RMXP as you can only say "Bush Depth tile" and "non Bush Depth tile". Back in 2k and 2k3 there was at least the possibility to say how much of the character shall be affected by the "Bush Depth".
Well, I wrote a script to bring back this option and even more :)

- define options not only global but for each terrain tag
- define how much of the character is affected
- define the opacity which the affected pixels are set to
- "Gradient" mode which applies the effect much smoother than it's usually done



That's it, improvement suggestions, bug reports or questions are welcome :box:
Wow, that's cool; and definately useful.

I always thought the bush tag was the most useless feature in RM, but those screenshots actually look pretty nice.
This gives us a few new visual effects, I always hated the mice 'standing' out of grass ten times taller than them (;
Thanks a lot.
Answering a bit late :unsure:
Anyway, there is not much to answer. Thanks for your compliment. I'll just abuse this replay to bump my thread lolololololololol :devil:

Probably you are that Ragnai from RPG-Studio I already know? :P
HOUSTON!!! we got a problem... :haha:

ok i just tested this script and i had a problem when i tried this script with my map... the second layer passibility was overiden and not only that, certain place on the map had depth on it when not called for... i thought it was just my project due to other script compatibility so i tried out the demo and extended the map to 46 x 65 on map001 on the demo and ran to the bottom of the map. sure enough the depth was place on the map automatically... any idea whats causing the layer and depth problem?

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