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Bestiary again

I don't know about that one, but I about finished with my new version that has tons of features:

(All are optional)
Enemy Groups
Group Icons
Enemy Icons
Can Capture Enemies (Through Element tagging on Weapons or Skills)
Can Show Dynamic Enemy Stats or just plain ones
Test Battle Enemies During Game
Seen Counter
Kill Counter
Capture Counter
and more!

Should be done this weekend.
Hey, seph!
i bet u can make it so it'll work with the Pokémon starter kit!
can u?
oh boy! this thred is OLD!!!... i'll look for the finished script...i hope it's exist!!

oh...it's 2006 NOW? LOL!!! i thught it was 2007...
so...it's not so old...
thi hi hi hi...
i'm looking forword to see the Bestiary script!!!
"all hail seph!!!"

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