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Bemani style battle system

I've been thinking about a battle system for a while now, and I was thinking of a battle system where you press different buttons when they hit the target box like in a bemani-based video game, and that you have to get a chain combo to actually attack an enemy (something like a minimum being a 7-combo to attack), and the enemies could work in a style similar to the RTAB system.

Also, during battle it would be really cool to press a certain button to bring up a battle menu which would pause the action and let you perform skills (which could possibly be a 12-combo) and use items (3-combo). I've made a few (really badly drawn) concepts of what I'd like the system to look like. Could someone do this for me please, I will pay if I need to.


http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j92/m ... ystem2.jpg[/IMG]

http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j92/m ... ystem1.jpg[/IMG]


I wanted something in a Dance Mania style so I bought a script from ccoa, but I reckon this concept is probably better =/

The thing that stopped me from doing it like this is the fact that i would want music to go with it, but it would be almost impossible to sync.

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