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Bazonga Quest I: The Serach for Bazgonga;s

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a mage guy and rtp?

You must have something wrong with your download manager.  This game is amazing!!!  Try downloading again using firefox or a download client.

All custom CMS, ABS, RTAB, and CLXZ! With special guest scripts made by the famed programmer from Italian RM communities, Cunnilingus.
Fellatio is just bragging and isn't fit to hold Cunnilingus' jock strap.  Felly simply helped a bit on the CLXZ.

Chaotic Roy.  Works fine for me.  Try clearing your cookies, cache, and temp files.  If it still doesn't work try a different browser.  If not you may have a redirect malware on your system.  In that case you'll need to do a spyware sweep.  Hope that helps.
ChaoticRoy: When i first downloaded it, i had the same problem but the great terror pm me about trying a different browser and it worked.
I always did think that Fellatio was too much mouth, not enough substance.


I only just realised but I hate this game...

It made me realise that whatever I made was just a big waste of time so I've given up for good.

In a way such a proclaimed game is damaging the community and only games made by Team BQ will be worth playing.  It's pretty much the same as COD4 did to the FPS.  I had Final Fantasy 13 pre-ordered but I'm going to cancel it.

And ChaoticRoy, consider it a blessing that you haven't been exposed to the true visual feast that is Bazonga Quest I: The Serach for Bazgonga;s if you have any aspirations to be involved in game development yourself.
but still it would be fatal not to play it. he wouldnt know what were talking about and he would never see RMXP true potential



In a way such a proclaimed game is damaging the community and only games made by Team BQ will be worth playing.

What? No no no that's not what we were aiming for at all! BQ is supposed to be an example of what a small team is capable of when they put their mind to something, not a paradigm of amateur gamemaking or anything like that. If you feel discouraged from continuing your own projects just remember the many flaws that BQ has - nothing is perfect - and try to not make the same mistakes we made.



I believe this might be another instance of that redirect bug you seem to have mucking about with your things. I assure you, the screenshots are one hundred percent accurate and taken straight from the actual gameplay of this masterpiece -- no cheaping out and just posting pictures of pretty CG scenes for this team!
Okay I admit this was funny at first but everybody knows the truth and the joke has gotten a bit old.

I will admit that it was good for a community get togeather but now it's kind of just become a centre for spam and somewhat trolling.

Still I must also admit that if I see a proper game made by BQ I will be quick to see if it is any good because so far your humour has captivated me!

@hellhound the first page!
Uhh, still can't see it... dunno, send me screenies maybe on where to find that missing link...

I found the link! and enjoyed the game! this is the best game evvvaaarrrr! now I already forgot about FF, Grandia, and all cool RPG's, this is the most best RPG ever!!!! I'm very happy and cried tears of joy to play a very very very VERY COOL GAME! SELL THIS Game! and you will be popular than one man's heart could be! you made me remember my favorite RPG's in the past, no other games can outstand this game! make millions of money with this cool 3D (NOT!) game! the best Un-RTP (This is RTP) game ever!
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