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Battler : OverKill (w/ Exp & Gold Bonus)

Battler : OverKill (w/ Exp & Gold Bonus)
Version: 3.5
By: Kain Nobel


What is "OverKill" ? Basically, if a battler kills its target with a critical strike, then it'll display an OverKill damage pop. Alongside this, I made an optional plugin which increases EXP and Gold gained with each battler killed with an overkill strike.


  • Displayes "OverKill!!!" instead of Critical when target killed with critical strike
  • Easily customize the display, font and color options of the overkill damage
  • Plugin to give you an Exp and Gold bonus when striking an OverKill
  • Exp & Gold plugin can use variables, or constants values





# ** Battler : OverKill




# * SDK Log


if Object.const_defined?(:SDK)

  SDK.log('Battler.OverKill', 'Kain Nobel ©', 3.5, '2009.09.09')




# ** OverKill



module OverKill


  # * String for Damage Pop when killing hit was a critical hit


  Critical_String = "OverKill!!!"


  # * Color for Overkill Damage Pop (Background)


  Critical_ColorA  = Color.new(96, 64, 0)


  # * Color for Overkill Damage Pop (Main)


  Critical_ColorB  = Color.new(255, 64, 64)


  # * Color for Overkill Damage Value (Background)


  Damage_ColorA    = Color.new(128, 128, 128)


  # * Color for Overkill Damage Value (Main)


  Damage_ColorB    = Color.new(255, 32, 32)


  # * Font Name for Overkill Damage


  Font_Name        = "Arial Black"


  # * Font Size for Overkill Damage


  Font_Size        = 32




# ** Game_Battler



class Game_Battler


  # * Alias Listings


  alias_method :overkill_gmbattler_attackeffect,:attack_effect


  # * Attack Effect Critical Correction


  def attack_effect(attacker)

    # Get old attack effect result

    result = overkill_gmbattler_attackeffect(attacker)

    # If damage is critical and fatal

    if self.critical && @hp < self.damage

      # Double the damage just for kicks

      self.damage *= 2

      # Set critical flag for overkill damage pop

      self.critical = OverKill::Critical_String


    # Return attack effect's origional result






# ** RPG::Sprite



class RPG::Sprite < ::Sprite


  # * Alias Listings


  alias_method :overkill_rpgsprite_damage, :damage


  # * Damage


  def damage(value, critical)

    # If critical is not set to overkill flag

    if critical != OverKill::Critical_String

      # The usual

      overkill_rpgsprite_damage(value, critical)

      # End the method



    # Dispose of current damage


    # Create bitmap to fit overkill damage display

    bitmap = Bitmap.new(160, 96)

    # Convert damage value to string

    damage_string = (value.is_a?(Numeric) ? value.abs.to_s : value.to_s)

    # Set custom overkill font name and size

    bitmap.font.name = OverKill::Font_Name

    bitmap.font.size = OverKill::Font_Size

    # Set overkill critical back color

    bitmap.font.color = OverKill::Critical_ColorA

    # Draw overkill critical background

    bitmap.draw_text(-1, 12-1, 160, 36, OverKill::Critical_String, 1)

    bitmap.draw_text(-1, 12-1, 160, 36, OverKill::Critical_String, 1)

    bitmap.draw_text(+1, 12+1, 160, 36, OverKill::Critical_String, 1)

    bitmap.draw_text(+1, 12+1, 160, 36, OverKill::Critical_String, 1)

    # Set overkill damage back color

    bitmap.font.color = OverKill::Damage_ColorA

    # Draw overkill damage background

    bitmap.draw_text(-1, 32-1, 160, 36, damage_string, 1)

    bitmap.draw_text(+1, 32-1, 160, 36, damage_string, 1)

    bitmap.draw_text(-1, 32+1, 160, 36, damage_string, 1)

    bitmap.draw_text(+1, 32+1, 160, 36, damage_string, 1)

    # Set overkill damage front color

    bitmap.font.color = OverKill::Critical_ColorB

    # Draw overkill damage foreground

    bitmap.draw_text(0, 12, 160, 36, OverKill::Critical_String, 1)

    # Set overkill damage forground

    bitmap.font.color = OverKill::Damage_ColorB

    # Draw overkill damage

    bitmap.draw_text(0, 32, 160, 36, damage_string, 1)

    # Create damage sprites

    @_damage_sprite = ::Sprite.new(self.viewport) 

    @_damage_sprite.bitmap = bitmap 

    @_damage_sprite.ox = 80 

    @_damage_sprite.oy = 20 

    @_damage_sprite.x = self.x 

    @_damage_sprite.y = self.y - self.oy / 2 

    @_damage_sprite.z = 10000

    @_damage_duration = 40 



# ** Battler : OverKill Experience & Gold




# * SDK Log


if Object.const_defined?(:SDK)

  SDK.log('Battler.OverKillExp&Gold', 'Kain Nobel ©', 3.5, '2009.09.09')



# * OverKill Enabled Test : Begin


if Object.const_defined?(:OverKill)



# ** OverKill



module OverKill


  # * Use Variables


  Use_Variables = false


  # * Modifier for Overkill Gold      (0.25 or 25 would both denote 25% bonus)


  Gold_Modifier = 0.25


  # * Modifier for Overkill Exp       (0.25 or 25 would both denote 25% bonus)


  Exp_Modifier  = 0.25




# ** Game_Battler



class Game_Battler


  # * Alias Listings


  alias_method :overkillexpgold_gmbattler_attackeffect, :attack_effect


  # * Attack Effect Critical Correction


  def attack_effect(attacker)

    # Get origional attack effect result

    result = overkillexpgold_gmbattler_attackeffect(attacker)

    # If critical flag is set for overkill

    if self.critical == OverKill::Critical_String

      # If battler being attacked is an enemy

      if self.is_a?(Game_Enemy)

        # Save in overkilled array

        $game_temp.overkilled << self



    # Return origional attack effect result






# ** Game_Temp



class Game_Temp


  # * Public Instance Variables


  attr_accessor :overkilled   # Array of enemies that were 'overkilled'


  # * Alias Listings


  alias_method :overkillexpgold_gmtemp_initialize, :initialize


  # * Object Initialization


  def initialize

    # The usual


    # Create array for 'overkilled' battlers

    @overkilled = []



  # * OverKill Gold


  def overkill_gold

    # Default gold to 0

    gold = 0

    # Iterate through all 'overkilled' battlers and get gold bonus

    @overkilled.each {|enemy| gold += enemy.overkill_gold}

    # Return gold bonus (as integer)




  # * Overkill Exp


  def overkill_exp

    # Default exp to 0

    exp = 0

    # Iterate though all 'overkilled' battlers and get exp bonus

    @overkilled.each {|enemy| exp += enemy.overkill_exp}

    # Return exp bonus (as integer)






# ** Game_Enemy



class Game_Enemy < Game_Battler


  # * Overkill Gold


  def overkill_gold

    # Get modifier, check if using variables for modifer

    mod = case OverKill::Use_Variables

    # If using variables, get variable gold modifier

    when true  then $game_variables[OverKill::Gold_Modifier]

    # Not using variables, get constant gold modifier

    when false then OverKill::Gold_Modifier


    # Check if modifier is integer or float

    case mod

    # Get gold with percent modifier (25 denotes 25%)

    when Integer then return (self.gold * (mod * 0.01))

    # Get gold with percent modifier (0.25 denotes 25%)

    when Float   then return (self.gold * mod)




  # * Overkill Exp


  def overkill_exp

    # Get modifier, check if using variables for modifer

    mod = case OverKill::Use_Variables

    # If using variables, get variable exp modifier

    when true  then $game_variables[OverKill::Exp_Modifier]

    # Not using variables, get constant exp modifier

    when false then OverKill::Exp_Modifier


    # Check if modifier is integer or float

    case mod

    # Get exp with percent modifier (25 denotes 25%)

    when Integer then return (self.exp * (mod * 0.01))

    # Get exp with percent modifier (0.25 denotes 25%)

    when Float   then return (self.exp * mod)






# ** Window_BattleResult



class Window_BattleResult < Window_Base


  # * Alias Methods


  alias_method :overkill_win_battleresult_initialize,   :initialize


  # * Intialize


  def initialize(exp, gold, treasures)

    # Add overkilled gold to origional gold

    gold += $game_troop.overkill_gold

    # Add overkilled exp to origional exp

    exp  += $game_troop.overkill_exp

    # The usual

    overkill_win_battleresult_initialize(exp, gold, treasures)





# ** Scene_Battle



class Scene_Battle


  # * Alias Listings


  alias_method :overkill_snbattle_main, :main

  alias_method :overkill_snbattle_stp5, :start_phase5


  # * Main


  def main

    # The usual


    # Clear 'overkilled' battlers




  # * Start Phase 5


  def start_phase5

    # Get overkilled gold & exp

    gold = $game_troop.overkill_gold

    exp  = $game_troop.overkill_exp

    # Distribute exp to actors

    $game_party.actors.each {|a| a.exp += exp unless a.cant_get_exp?}

    # Get extra gold from overkilled enemies


    # The usual






# * OverKill Enabled Test : Missing Requirement Message



  p 'Unable to find \'Battler.OverKill\' script, which is required for '+

    '\'Battler.OverKillExp&Gold\'. This script has been disabled.'


# * OverKill Enabled Test : End




Place Above Main, Below SDK (Only if Using)

If using both scripts, they should be placed in this order (for obvious reasons)


If using my Weapons : Critical Bonus script, make sure that these two are above that one, or it won't work correctly.

The rest of the setup instructions are pretty obvious, just look at the constants in the script.


Place below anything that modifies Game_Battler.attack_effect, place above Weapons : Critical Bonus if you happen to be using it.

Credits and Thanks

Final Fantasy X, which I got the idea from.

Terms and Conditions

Another "Free to use in commercial and non-commercial games" script, please credit of course and thanks :thumb:
Woah, I've been wanting a script like this forever! Except...I use VX. Do you think you could make it work with VX too? Otherwise, great script! :D
Some of you probably got a NoMethodError from the second script, it was because I changed Game_Troop additions to Game_Temp right before I posted it (to prevent save file corruption). No worries now, script has been updated.

I really have to get acquainted with VX because I don't use it that much and don't know how it works, looking at it though there is alot different with the way battle system and damage pop and everything is handled so I'd have to write the script mostly/entirely from scratch. Shouldn't be too hard though, when I find some time I'll definately look into making a version for VX.

Thank you for viewing

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