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Battle Status Modification

can anybody give me the code on how to post the graphic in the battle status
as you can see i use the side view battle system
so theres no more battler graphics in the BattleStatus Window
i want it still even theres a character graphic in the battle field
to make it easier for me to explain it
heres a screenie that what i wanted to do
you see the image above shows the character sprite in the battle field and theres still a face graphic in the BattleStatus window
do you know how to do it?
the red circle below where the face graphic shown is the one i wanted
i want to align it to the hp/sp and state
and show the specific character's face?
so do you know how to do it?

heres the graphic that i want to place
in the battleStatus window
i want it to look like this IN the battle Status window
http://img125.imageshack.us/img125/8666 ... il0jj6.png[/IMG]
its just an edit in MS paint xD

thanks in advance

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