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Battle Scoring System.

Hey I am making a Pokemon Fan Game. I have a battle arena where you can battle differant trainers and and you get points for each victory. I would like a script made (or a link to a script already made)that will be called Via an Event and it will bring up a window with you're name, a collum for Wins (and if you want to get fancey the name of the person you have defeated),a collum for losses. (again, if you have extra time and want to get fancey have the name of the trainer whom defeated you. *NOTE: I don't care if you put these in but it would be nice*), and a collum for Times Surrendered. You can select each collum and scroll through the List of Names of Trainers Defeated/Defeated by. Also have a Costumizable Background. I would like it to look something like this picture :


If this is to coplicated then I will accept any type of scoring-type window that can be called Via an Event.

In my opinion keeping track of points will be easiest done through Variables. Like If wins in battle control variables: [001:Player's Score Wins]+= 3
and If loses in battle Control variables:[002:Player's Score Loses]-= 2
But whatever works for you guys.

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